Chapter 12

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After about 10 minutes of waiting I knew they were drunk because stuff started breaking.

I walked to the front of the bus grabbed the Smirnoff Ice bottle and a cup and went back to the bunk room and had my own little party.

After I was done I just layed down. I didn't want to get to drunk and won't be able to explain the hangover tomorrow morning.

When I was slowly drifting asleep somebody walked into the bunk room and started banging on the bunks like they were trying to wake somebody up.

When I opened my curtain and looked out it was Tony. *poker face*

"Oh, Essie ummm...... Sorry if I woke you up." Tony said drunk out of his ass.

"It's okay." I said closing me curtain.

"Essie can we talk?" He said opening my curtain again.

"Okay, talk." I said. I know I seemed pretty disrespectful but I didn't really want to hear what he had to say, I'm still really mad.

"Okay, well yesterday I know I got you angry when I didn't say anything. That's because I was literally crying because of your story. It's heart breaking to know an Amazing, Beautiful, Talented girl could have been bullied and treated like shit." He said tearing up.

I just sat there shocked because of what Tony said.

"Also, I really like you Essie. I've liked since I've met you years ago."

Now I was just dumbfounded.

"Does Tony REALLY like me? Or is he just drunk?" I asked myself.

I don't know what happened next but me and Tony was making out. Tony got in my bunk and the kiss got deeper and deeper. He eventually started taking off my clothes and I did the same to him. I guess you know what happened from there ;)


I woke up with a little headache and ....... next to ........ TONY! :O

"Good morning beautiful" Tony said looking at me and smiling.

"Good morning" I said rubbing my head. "What happened last night?"

"Umm..... honestly all I remember was me and you ..... you know" Tony said.

I got out of my bunk, put some clothes on and went to the front of the bus to see if anybody was up. Nobody was up but there was coffee and pain meds so I took two cups and some pills for me and Tony. Thank god they didn't have a show today.

All day I just sat around listening to music and thinking about what happened between me and Tony last night.

"So are me and Tony dating now? Did he really mean what he said? Wait wait wait, DID HE USE PROTECTION???" I said to myself, but that last question screamed in my head so loud that I thought Jaime heard it cause he looked at me.

"Tony, we need to talk?" I asked walking into the bunk room where he always is.

"Yea, we do." he said getting out of his bunk. "Let's go take a walk."

"Okay Tony, so about last night." I said sitting down on a bench. "What's going to happen?"

"I don't know. I guess keep it to ourselves. Unless you want to you know get together." He said.

"I don't know, I just got out of a relationship and to go into another one probably isn't the best thing right now. Give me a week or two to think about it."

"Okay" Tony said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We stood in the park and just talked like last night never happened but when we was walking back to the bus he held my hand like we were going out.

"What am I going to do? Should I date him or just stay friends?" This was in my mind for the next 2 weeks.

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