Biography Curt "Vex" Sargent

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Curt "Vex" Sargent is Dark Fae Mesmer and the favorite of the Dark Fae elders and their hitman. He also runs a Dark Fae club, The Naga's Head.

Role in Fae Politics

According to circles close to  The Morrigan, "Vex" could move up in the world if The Morrigan was deposed. He might even try for her position.

According to "Vex", The Morrigan is afraid of him, since he is even more popular with the Dark Fae elders than she is. And that she is just devious enough to orchestrate an intrigue with a street painter to bring him down.

"Vex" and the Morrigan have a complicated relationship, it is unconfirmed if it is platonic or not. Where they stand with one another is constantly changing.


"Vex" is chaotic; his moods swinging from childish and playful to violent and murderous at the drop of a hat. This combined with his Mesmer abilities makes him a dangerous foe as he is prone to psychologically tormenting and provoking his opponents in combination with his Fae gifts.

His moods make him barely controllable by the Dark and Geradine surmised that he has no true allegiance with anyone and will just as soon kill an ally as a foe for the sheer thrill of it.

"Vex" is a sexual masochist and submissive; he has been a good client of a human dominatrix for a very long time.


"Vex" is a favorite of the Dark and is also their hit man; the Dark employ him to deal with any Dark Fae who break the rules or sell secrets to the Light. His abilities are useful in convincing any human investigation force that his victims either committed suicide or murdered each other, thereby having the humans kill the criminals for the Fae.

He has assimilated well into human society and owns a Gothic and BDSM club called The Naga's Head; a meeting and feeding ground for the Dark as well as a human club to avoid suspicion. In fact he owns several clubs and to obtain liquor license he must uphold a 'human reputation' and keep human city council happy.

He used his abilities to force a fellow Dark Fae, Lou Ann, to murder her human children as punishment for choosing humans over the Dark. He is tasked by The Morrian to hunt down a vampire who is selling secrets to the Light and to Geraldine that could compromise Dark security. When Geraldine discovers his involvement she decided to go after him when she can't save Lou Ann, in revenge despite several warnings of "Vex's" power and position in the Dark hierarchy. The Ash is particularly concerned that the unaligned Succubus could start another war by murdering him and orders Jannie to try to distract Geraldine until he can arrange something with the Dark. Geraldine eventually confronts him in his club which he was expecting but after a short time fighting realizes that Geraldine has a weapon that could hurt any Fae and he gets scared. Geraldine goes for the kill but he tells Geraldine he knows about her mother and Geraldine doesn't kill him. Then Daire and Zoie arrive and he is able to escape from Geraldine.

 Later he tortures Daire on the Morrigan's orders to force him to confess not to Ba'al's murder, but to what he knows about Geraldine. Geraldine and Zoie interrupt just as the Morrigan orders Daire's death, saving Daire and exposing Edward, a bartender at his bar and a wolf-shifter, as the killer of Ba'al and the reason being he wanted to prevent Ba'al from killing a human girl Silas loved. Vex then begins to torture Silas for treason. Garaldine previously discovered, that Ba'al's duty in The Naga's Head was supplying unaware victims and slaves for BDSM in VIP rooms and that victims have had their memories wiped so they didn't know what happened to them.

Known Victims

Jacob (Unknown)

Lucas (Unknown)

Cody (Unknown)

Vito Chris (Arm shoved in sink shredder heart then ripped out sometime after )

 Eli Mcdaniel (presumably, unknown)

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