Dancing among the Stars 28

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A/N: I've really noticed how different Rakab and Namid's romance was compared to their children's blossoming one: Rakab was the deadly and mysterious one and Nyesh is the flirty and sensitive one. Namid was the spontaneous and follow-your-heart type while Rose is the practical and think-things-through kinda woman.

Notice the difference between them?

Nyesh took a swig of the spiced wine, noting with satisfaction that it was sweet on his tongue. Élan sat with him, in the wood clearing. "Still can't get her off your mind?" Élan asked, turning to Nyesh, who sat on a tree branch.

His companion laughed, "How can I?"

Élan laughed and collapsed from too much wine and Nyesh rolled his eyes, " The classic drunkard." He muttered, chuckling and turning to the sunset, bright against the horizon. Nyesh sighed, "You're up there, aren't you, Mother?" "Running with Thorna and Alakar?" Rubbing the back of his neck, the man sighed deeply, "Hate has turned to love, and"—gods what am I saying! She still hates me…yet I love her."

Taking a sip of the wine, Nyesh took a slip of paper from his boot and read it.

You love-struck boy

Find the rose and pluck her

From the clutches of her

Busy, uptight world

Tame the thorn

Charm her

Show her your ways

Love her

You besotted mortal

Son of a healer

Son of a thief

Use your skills

Protect yourself

Protect her

He had written down the words that the god had said and kept it in his boot. But what he didn't understand was why the Lupine's sun god, Helaku, had asked him to love Rose. Why was not he falling in love with her and not someone else? Was it Ahnleh's way of twisting life?

"I suppose I'll never know, will I?"

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