Biography "Tamsin" Lenore Dodson

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" If there’s one thing I hate, it’s a man getting in the way of what I want, it’s so retro."


A kick-ass cop with trust issues and a generous anti-authoritative streak. She's up for anything and running from everything. A warrior (literally: she’s a Valkyrie), "Tamsin" is a tomboy with great instincts and an infectious lust for life – though she shuts down when questioned about her dark past. A sexy, beer drinking, bar brawling, fiercely loyal anti-hero.


At first, "Tamsin" can seem a little coldhearted especially to those she dislikes, however, she is then seen as more loyal to her friends. She is hardworking and does whatever it takes to finish the job, even if it means injuring innocent bystanders. She is very sarcastic, witty and "mean" as Daire put it when under the influence of a parasite. She seems to be developing romantic feelings towards Geraldine.

Powers and abilities

"Tamsin" is capable of intimidating someone into doubting themselves. Whilst using this ability, Tamsin's true Valkyrie face (that of a gaunt skull) is revealed.

"Tamsin" also has the power to briefly awaken comatose people and kill them through her sheer will.

When Geraldine fed on "Tamsin", the latter's chi was apparently quite overwhelming for the Succubus, as she claimed that she has never tasted anyting quite like it before. 


 . Daire is "Tamsin's" partner, they work together as part of the Dark Fae/Light Fae exchange program. They have developed a friendly relationship. She is often found playing pool and drinking in the Dal with Daire and the gang.

Geraldine's relationship with "Tamsin" is complicated. When "Tamsin" first meets Geraldine, she is cold and rude. She openly expressed hatred and a desire to see Geraldine imprisoned, as she believed Geraldine was secretly killing Dark Fae by feeding. After "Tamsin" learned the truth about the feed she initially blamed on Geraldine, she appeared to take Geraldine's side over the "Morrigan's".  "Tamsin" helped Geraldine during her invitation to The Dawning, much to Geraldine's surprise. During the Invitation, "Tamsin" also kissed Geraldine revealing the possibility that "Tamsin" has romantic feelings for Geraldine.

Zoie and "Tamsin" are not close but "Tamsin" is the first to realize when Zoie is replaced by the Kitsune, even before all of Zoie's close friends.


She loses large amounts of hair when her powers are used.

She seems to have a strong connection with a tarot card that depicted "The Wanderer." In Norse mythology, Odin was known as "The Wanderer", which may be "Tamsin's" connection, as Valkyries chose the souls of the dead and brought half of them to Odin's hall. However, this is currently speculation.

It appears "The Wanderer" is actually Geraldine's father. The Kistune Geraldine asked to help "Tamsin" flipplantly stated "This is the way of the Valkyrie: to live, to serve, to expire over and over again." The other comments death will be a "sweet out considering who "Tamsin's" gotten involved with." She's had gotten involved with serving Geraldine's father who ever that is.

"Tamsin" is a short form of the name Thomisina which means twin.

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