Dancing among the Stars part 17

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Bialas walked with her in the gardens, as her chaperone. The cheerful spring aura around them mocked the viper's melancholy mood and almost made him angry. Namid, oblivious to him, plucked a rose from a bush and sniffed it. Sighing deeply, she grinned, "Isn't spring beautiful, Bialas?"

He sighed softly, "Namid, I have some…bad news…Rakab's been captured."

Her grin faded. She turned to her friend, "Captured!" "By who?"

"Ralon and some other thieves. He has betrayed Sheeva Intre…"

"How do you know this?"

Bialas' sapphire blue eyes softened, "Ginger and the twins told us, they've been watching as spies."

Namid's knees suddenly went weak and as Bialas caught her, she felt her body shake with sobs and tears well up in her eyes. "How?"

Bialas set Namid down, "Ambushed. They tricked him and we don't know where he is now."

The she-wolf shoved the viper aside, "Find him. Find him, now!" "Search everywhere…"

Bialas stood, "We will." "I'll start now, after you get back inside." He took Namid's elbow and led her to the Court.

Outside her door, Namid paused and turned back to the viper, "Please," she plead, "Find him alive…"

The viper nodded, silent.

Namid watched him go and closed the door, sighing deeply, trying to consol herself. "Pull yourself together." She whispered. She wiped her eyes and shook her head, "Where have you taken him, Ralon?"

A white she-wolf then appeared out of the mirror and shifted into the goddess, Ylva. Namid bowed her head in respect for the deity, when the goddess lifted her chin and smiled, "My child, you wonder where your thief is, now?" "He lies chained somewhere beyond these hills…" "But your friends must make haste, for the betrayer is making plans to kill him in a fortnight, upon the death of the sun and domination of the moon."

"Fourteen days…" Namid murmured. "Then I must find him!"

"No, child, you are to stay here and wait." Ylva placed a firm hand on her shoulder.


"Too much stress would kill the life you bear." Ylva explained, gray-blue eyes soft, "Sheeva Intre will find your thief, I'll make sure of it."

The woman slowly faded away in the shafts of sunlight that poked through the closed draperies. Namid growled and sighed, glancing down at her stomach, "Then wait I will…"

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