Dancing among the Stars 45

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A/N: So far all the songs in this fic, except one, has been by Evanescence. The song in this chapter is: Good Enough from the new album: The Open Door.

A year rushed by and Rose still wore gray in respect for Nassin, even if Chu'si stopped physically mourning her father's death. The wyvern princess had clearly moved on and yet still a shadow was cast over her face, of the pain she still held within. Now standing by her mother, she seemed a statue. Her face was a cold façade and her eyes a blank stare.

Rose noticed the change more then others and was almost heartbroken when she realized the truth: They were growing up. Rose, now seventeen, knew that the Wyvern's Court she lived in now was not the home of her childhood. Everything had changed: The regulations, the order, and especially her own freedom. As she had grown up, the expectations were higher, the rules stricter.

Nyesh, at least, hadn't changed. He had only grown more protective since her kidnapping. He clearly cared much for her and knew his limits. His love for her was still the one of a passion-struck man.

The princess looked forward to his frequent visits. As always, he asked how she was doing and stole a kiss or two before they would take a walk in the gardens. One particular night, however, was especially different from all the rest…

Under your spell again

I can't say no to you

Hand in hand, Nyesh and Rose walked along the garden path. Roses and lilacs, violets and daisies were around them, their perfume lingering in the air. The sky was lit with a white moon and the air was warm. The night was perfect, unspoiled. Nyesh felt that, if he drew a breath, this perfect moment would shatter. He closed his eyes, sighing deeply, "Beautiful night isn't it?" he whispered.

Rose smiled, "It is."

"Or is it perhaps the fact that I'm with you?" Nyesh grinned and Rose ducked her head in embarrassment. As Nyesh let go of her hand and walked ahead, she briefly gazed at the moon before turning her gaze to him. "He's doing it again." She thought, remembering how Nyesh had been glancing at her left hand, looking for a ring or some sort of symbol of allegiance. Looking at him now, in the moonlight, she hadn't really noticed how striking his face looked in the shadow. His eyes were darkened and seemed more…

Baffling. More mysterious…

The way he turned and cupped her cheek, the tingling sensation that seemed to radiate from his touch she welcomed. "Rose…" His voice was husky as his eyes traveled over her curvaceous body and firm beauty. She and he had changed, grown older in both mind and body, yet it hadn't changed anything about their love. They were still passionately, still simply, in love.

Slowly, Nyesh snaked a hand around her waist, holding her close, Rose rested her head on his chest and sighed. In this moment nothing mattered, nothing needed to be said. They knew only to gaze into each other's eyes and everything that needed to be done or said was in their gaze.

Rose turned to Nyesh, "It's been a year already?"

Nyesh nodded and kissed her cheek. "It has, my flower, it has."

"I thought it was dear, deadly flower." She replied, mockingly.

He chuckled and ran his hands through her hair. She suddenly took him by the hand and dragged him back inside, a smile on her face.

"Come on!" she cried, laughing as Nyesh stumbled forward. Nyesh chased her back into the garden, and tackled her down, kissing her hard. Rose's breath caught in both surprise and excitement. Giddiness and desire flowed—spreading like a fire— through her veins as she willingly lost herself to a landslide of emotion…

Desires, dizziness, love…the memories. Sweet, sweet memories trapped in time.

Both came up gasping. "No, don't stop…" she whispered, feeling lightheaded.

He bent down and kissed her lips softly, a smile on his face, "We should stop before it gets too far."

Rose looked up to his face, the moonlight turning his deep violet eyes an alluring black. Rose imagined his eyes were the night sky, and the stars—the light of the moon—had come to dance. A grin spread across her face. Dancing among the stars, dancing in his gaze, burning within his eyes.

"No…you want this don't you?" Rose replied. "You're giving me that look again."

Nyesh chuckled and sighed, "Please, Rose," "You remember Ralon and what he did to you?"

Rose sat up and regarded him, "Yes…" she murmured, "But…this time, Nyesh…" "I'm ready."

Nyesh shook his head, "We shouldn't."

Rose covered her hand with his own, "What I meant was that I'm ready if you want to marry me, deformed or not."

"Then that makes the two of us deformed." He joked. "Are you really…?"

Rose laughed and pushed him down into the grass so that he fell on his back, "I love you, you dolt!" she replied, kissing him deeply.

She was swept into the heat of the moment that she failed to notice anything as Nyesh trailed kisses down her jawbone, and caressed her cheek with his hand, moving down to kiss her collarbone.

"Do you wish to?" he asked.

She could only nod.

Rose felt his lips upon hers, eyes glassy with passion. Felt his hands explore her body, the silk of her gown being pulled away, the chill of the night air pressing heavily upon her warm body…

She felt her heart beating fast in her chest, her lungs fit to burst. It was a frightening feeling, yet she welcomed the fear.

Crave my heart, and it's bleeding in your hand

I can't say no to you

Shouldn't have let you torture me so sweetly

now I can't let go of this dream

I can't breathe but I feel

She was in a trance. A memory. A fantasy…she didn't really know anymore. It all blurred into one thing, one blessed thing—a living dream. Beads of sweat fell into her eyes as the moon, the sky, Nyesh's face blurred into a pool of colors.

Dark, light, shadow, moonlight…into one.

Shouldn't have let you conquer me completely

now I can't let go of this dream

can't believe that I feel

Good enough

I feel good enough

It's been such a long time coming, but I feel good

and I'm still waiting for the rain to fall

pour real life down on me

Cause I can't hold on to anything this good


am I good enough

for you to love me too?

Rose slept that night in the Court, her mind still in a daze. Rose had never known such craze, such excitement, could be shown between them. She watched as a light rain fell outside her window and sighed. She knew her mother and father would be furious if she proved to be pregnant, but…a sense of pride swelled in her chest and she fell asleep feeling satisfied.

So take care what you ask of me

cause I can't say no

The consequences of her decision would come when they came. For now, she knew sleep was all she needed.

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