Eight - War

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I slowly walk through the trees, Gray beside me. He has a nervous aura, though it's also deadly. I want to say a snide remark but we're about to go onto the battle field- where our friends and family are going to fight between life and death.

Cringing at the thought, the expression gets the said ice-barer's attention. "Are you thinking about somebody special?" Ohhhh really? I thought I could've at least teased him about Juvia...

"Lucy is like eighty percent of my thoughts. Her face is common image in my mind, reminding me I have to stay alive." I look ahead to see the battle field through the thickness of the forest. "I always think all my battles are my last, but she keeps me going, and everybody else because; you live for your friends. Don't die for them."

"Dude you're like reciting stuff Erza said when you were gone with Lucy." Gray mutters, a little surprised. "Did Lucy give you some of her knowledge when you marked her?"

"Shut up, ice princess-" I stop mid-sentence, watching the front line of warriors stopping and readying for attack.

Gray puts a hand on my shoulder. "Flame brain, if you live through this, I'm beating your ass when we're both all healed up." He gives me an encouraging smile, and I return it with one of my signature grins.

"I'M ALL FIRED UP!" I scream as the first battle cries go.

And so, fantasy and humans go into battle again.


Fantasy won the battle again, obviously... but...

Lucy looks mad and worried at the same time.

I'm barely hurt- I mean sure I got stabbed and I have a lot of cuts- oh crap that stings! I watch carefully as Lucy presses a cloth against my stomach.

"You're damn lucky it didn't hit anything serious. Being you, you're system should have it healed by morning with a long sleep." She mutters, her eyes starting to tear up.

I scowl, mentally hitting myself for making her cry. Letting my face soften to a reassuring look, I take her hand in mine and I smile at her, my big giant grin. Her eyes shimmer with love, but I can see the great amount of worry.

I pull her closer to my face and caress her cheek from where I'm laying. "I'm going to be fine, you know that deep down." I whisper to her.

She places her hand over mine, pressing it to her face. "I just feel like you're not going to come home..."

My heart swells... she's never called the kingdom home. Thank goodness, she's finally accepted here as her home! I smile a much less childish smile and pull her off her chair so she falls on top of me. As much as the pain is horrible, looking at her face numbs the stinging.

"You're my home." I whisper in her ear. "My home is here, by your side, always." Luce shudders like she's cold or something.

She pulls herself off my chest and stares at me in the eyes, with her soft hazel eyes... the eyes that have me entranced in a spell forevermore. "Natsu..." She leans down and kisses me softly before pulling back and sitting back on the chair. "Now, sleep. There's productive things that you need to do as the King's son!"

She re-applies my bandages and then scurries out of the room, looking for Wendy. While thinking about my Lucy, I drift to sleep with a small smile of my face.


"Natsu!" Somebody shakes me awake.

I was expecting Lucy, but it was Erza... in which gave me the freaks and I jump out of bed to avoid her.

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now