Two - This is War

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My father is so annoying. I told him it wasn't the dragon-boy's fault, even if it is, I don't admit it. I try to hide the pain in my arm, but a bruise has developed on it. I rub it when I have my alone time, which is pretty much always. It's easy to touch my arms when I'm wearing a pink three quarter loose sleeved princess dress.

"Lucy?" A strong voice asks from my bedroom door.

I smile recognizing the girl's voice. "ERZA!" I scream as I jump off my bed and swing my door open. I hug her tightly, feeling her Shield starting to crack.

"Lucy, my Shield. You're breaking it." She says and pushes me off her. Of course I can see through her Shield and see her angelic wings. She smiles brightly. "I'm so happy to see you're in-" she stared at the bruise on my arm. "Who did that?"

I sigh inwardly. "A dragon-boy. He had pink hair-"

"Natsu Dragneel." She growls. Then her scowl turns into a smile. "I'm sure he didn't intend to hurt you."

My mouth falls open. "Even you know who he is?" I ask and Erza nods. "But I don't understand!"

Erza hushes me. "Lucy, your father knows what you are, and he's stricken on how much you look like Layla." She lowers her voice. "He's sick and old. I heard him strategizing a battle-field for the war between dragon and human." She sighs. "I will not be on your team. Neither will Jellal, Gray, or Loke."

"But Loke is my spirit!" I exclaim in complaint.

Erza hugs me. "You may pick a side. You know how to ask for my presence secretly. You could be a spy..." she pulls away with a small smile. "You're a Heartfillia, but you're also the remains of Lady Layla, who was full blood nymph."

I set my jaw. "I need to think. My choices may be wrong." I feel a tear slide down my cheek. "I might need to stand by my fellow humans, who may I say would lose to you alone. But not only that, Titania, but that my father is my last standing parent, and was the man my mother fell in love with."

"You have the tongue of the daughter of both your parents." Erza salutes. "Off I am, princess Lucy. May your choice be influenced by your own."

I start to cry as Erza leaves with just a puff of air. "And to you, Scarlet, may our odds be favored in chosen choice."


I shiver as I walk along my father's side, up to the edge of the forest where a large red dragon with a yellow belly and the same boy I ran into in town are standing.

My body stiffens as my father grabs my left elbow with his right hand. "You run, you're going to regret it." He hisses in my ear.

I swallow nervously. "H-hai..."

We walk up and stay ten meters in front of the two other beings. Jude tightens his grip on my arm, making my chest tighten. 

"I will not speak to a father who restrains his child." King Igneel says.

Jude scowls, but let's me go. I step back, almost behind Jude. "Your son dared hurt my daughter?" Jude glares at Natsu, who blinks confused.

"Hurt?" Natsu asks.

I shake my head. "K-King Jude, he did not-"


I swallow hard. "Stop." I state.

Surprisingly Jude turns around and glares at me. "Are you on their side?"

I can't believe what I'm about to do. "Father, I don't understand. Why dare start a war when it's obvious that which side would win!" I take another step back, making sure Jude can't touch me.

"Because that's our side." Jude and Igneel say at the same time. They glare at each other, though I honestly think that Igneel is more scary.

My father grabs my arm, catching me off guard. "You meant our side didn't you?!"

Again... I can't believe... "There is no more of 'our'! You're too arrogant and selfish to realize that they're freaking dragons!" I scream, ripping my arm out of his grip. I stumble and fall backwards. "I told you I didn't wish to come, but you insisted! So this is my-"

"This is war, fantasy creatures." Jude spits. He starts to walk off, but stops and looks at me. "I'm guessing you're going with them?" He jerks his chin towards Igneel and Natsu. "You're not welcome at the Heartfillia castle." He smirks, probably thinking Igneel is going to eat me whole.

My eyes water, but I can't talk. My mouth is as dry as stone. I make no sound. Then suddenly I'm on my feet with new hands on my waist. "I will take responsibility for her, father." Natsu says.

Jude scowls. "You'll regret this, Lucy. You'll regret every word you said."

I turn around, showing my back to my father. "I won't."

I see a smile play on Natsu's lips. "He's walking away like he's a five year old having a tantrum." He beams. "That was delightful." Natsu stares down at my arms. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I didn't mean to hurt you before-"

"I'm fine." I smile. "Thank you, prince."

Natsu smirks. "I think I'm just gonna let you call me that."

I feel air go down my back. I tense. "Son, you're correct. She has nymph blood." Igneel's voice says like he's right behind me.

"Dad, hate to tell you but human's like personal space." The dragon-boy says, pulling me towards him, away from the large dragon.

Igneel chuckles. "All is well then I suppose." I look at the dragon with wide eyes. Not in a million years did I think I would actually talk to a dragon face-to-face. "Lucy, you are now welcome inside the dragon kingdom."

My jaw drops but I close my mouth as fast as I can. "Th-thank you, King." I bow my head.

Natsu twirls me around to face him, and then he wraps his right arm around my waist and presses me against him. "Off to my home, princess." He smirks and air envelopes me as Natsu blasts into the sky.

I black out.


I roll onto my side in the comfy bed I'm sitting it. Then I think : this isn't my bed. I sit bolt up and get a small yelp from a young girl sitting beside the bed.

"Oh princess, you're awake. Natsu-san will be happy." The blue haired dragon-girl says. She has beautiful blue and white wings with a elegant white tail. The girl thinks for a minute then blushes. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I am Wendy Marvel; Natsu-san's little cousin." She's so cute!!

I smile and push off the bed covers that were over top of me. "Please, call me Lucy."

Wendy smiles brightly. She's like an angel-dragon. I turn myself enough so that my legs dangle off the edge of the bed. Wendy hands me a drink, which I don't hesitate to gulp down. I didn't even notice how thirsty I was until now.

"Oi, Wendy-" Natsu walks into the room and stops short when he sees me. "Princess! You're awake!" He grins and sits beside me on the bed.

Natsu looks at Wendy and she nods her head, leaving. I raise an eyebrow. "Why are you-?" I stop mid sentence as I see Natsu staring at me, apparently in deep thought. "U-um prince?"

He blinks then says, "Sorry, it's just I've never heard of a nymph-human. As much as nymphs can turn into a human form, you can't turn into a tree can you?" He leans closer to me.

"N-not of what I believe. I still have a tree for my life-line." My lips press together as I frown. "Jude shouldn't cut it down, he doesn't know what tree is my life, so he probably just thinks it's the grand blossom tree in the middle of the kingdom's garden." I take a deep breath and smile. "B-by the way... th-thank y-you for taking me in..."

Natsu's eyebrows shoot up. "Hey, it's no problem." He looks away, though I can still see his blush. "I was thinking about kidnapping you anyways because it was pretty obvious that there was going to be a war." He looks down at the floor. "Now I feel really bad about grabbing you-"

I giggle. "Honestly, Natsu, you can let go of that. I don't care."

He leans so close, I have to lean sideways a bit, but he leans closer. "I never told you my name." He says, catching my face with his hand. "Who told you?"

My cheeks turn red. "I-I-I d-didn't- I mean Erza h-had mentioned your name when I described you, a-and Wendy was saying 'Natsu-san' so I j-just guessed it was you-you're name..." I turn my face away so I don't need to stare into his enchanting eyes, and letting his hand slide to awkwardly touching my neck

"Well typically." Natsu finally moved his hand, but he touches my hair instead. "Did you know that I'm also half human?"

I nod. "There's legends, when I was younger I'd go to the forest and play with nymphs, and even sing with mermaids. That's why I can see through The Shield so easily." I smile remembering being so free.

"I'm surprised. Most humans that can see my features get scared." Natsu says.

My smile wavers. "Well I have seen both Jellal and Erza's bad side." I frown. "And um..." I look at him and blush a little. "You are... k-kind of cute..." I look down and my face starts to turn a shade of red.

"I get that a lot." Natsu says. "Thanks though, I've never been complimented by a mostly human." He bites his lower lip... okay now that's kinda sexy. "Well this is your temporary room." Natsu gestures to the giant room.

My eyebrows draw together. "But aren't I as some like prisoner because I'm a daughter of Jude?"

Natsu stares at me. "No. Not at all. In fact your technically a myth because usually there's no good blood between nymphs and humans." Natsu leans back on his hands.

"For all I know, the way my dad acts, he might have raped my mother." I say and tears threaten to fall down my face. "All I've wanted was to get my mom back. She was beautiful as ever-"

"Oh yeah, she was a princess." Natsu cuts me off. "I did some research on Layla Heartfillia. Before she abandoned her kind for humans, she was pure blood royal and was one of the powerful woman known in the legend world."

A smile tugs onto my lips. "Really? So my mom wasn't some nymph chick?" I ask him with a few tears falling down my face.

Natsu wipes my tears away with his thumb, making me blush. "Yeah, my father even knew her. So stop crying because I don't like pretty girls crying."

I suck in a breath. "S-sorry..."


For a long two months there was two battles, both times the dragons' side won. I believe that Igneel will not stop killing the humans until my father is dead. I understand why he wishes this, but I wish the war would just end.

Not to mention my annoyingly new feelings for the pinkette. I have started to really like Natsu, no I think I'm starting to love him. He's the one that excepts me as who I am, not what I am. He's sweet, caring, strong, and I can say many other things.

I met an old friend, Levy, she's a nymph. When we were younger we played together at the edges of the trees, but always close to her tree. Natsu helps me keep in contact with her.

Well I met many new living things. Lissana, Elfman, and Cana: mermaids. Mirajane: she-demon. Meredy and Ultear: dark spirited like Jellal. Lyon is like Gray. And Makorov: dwarf. Then there's Wendy, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, and Laxus: half-dragons. There were tons more but those are the people I think I'll remember the best.

Now I'm getting ready for a ball. I hear Natsu complaining to Grandine outside the changing room. "Boy, Natsu is so impatient." I comment to Wendy, who is strapping my corset.

"Indeed." Wendy giggles. "He's so funny sometimes."

I smile at her through the mirror. When Wendy is done putting my dress on, I stare at myself. Whoa. {wearing the dress in pic at beginning of chapter}

"You look so pretty Lucy!" Wendy says with a wide smile. "I hope everyone likes it!"

I walk out of the room and Natsu stops mid-sentence as he sees me. But of course he can't see my full dress because I have a black cloak over it.

He opens his mouth to talk.
Hello minna! Second chapter! I hope you liked it!

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now