Nine - Happy Endings

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I giggle as I see Natsu and Gray starting to bicker once again. It's been a few months since the war ended, my father died, and the dragons haven't given any sign of returning...

I thought we'd mourn and be sad, but there's a none stop celebration of the winning of this war. It's fun, but I can't help but see the stress of being king settle on Natsu, it's worrying.

What am I kidding? Natsu always worries me.

Oh, and I'm pregnant. According to Wendy, there's a girl in my little bump of a stomach. Natsu was overly thrilled when Wendy had reported I was pregnant and he squeezed me so hard I thought he'd kill the child.

But we've came to a conclusion to name our first child Nashi. Not sure where the name came from, but it's nice.

15 years later

"MOOOOOM! DAAAAD!" A teenage girl's voice screeches. The voice of Nashi Dragneel. "IGNEEL KEEPS BUDDING IN MY PERSONAL BUSINESS! TELL HIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I sigh, glancing at my husband, his salmon hair shaking with his head. "Your turn." I smirk.

"These children will be the death of me." He grumbles lowly, glancing at the dozing girl in my arms. Little Layla Dragneel.

Nashi is now fourteen, her little brother Igneel is seven, and little Layla here is two.

I'm not going to disagree with Natsu; these children are truly a handful.

I hear a crash and a moan. And then three voices scream, "MOM!"

"Can't give the mother a break?" I sigh, carefully lying my child down in the couch. I kiss her forehead before heading up to deal with the three trouble makers.

"Natsu, Nashi, Igneel Dragneel! This better be serious!" I glare at them, all of them flinching away, even my mate. Wow.

God but I love these idiots so much.

End ❤️


I'm sorry this whole story is short, but this is the end!! It's a fantasy within a fantasy and I hope you liked it!
- Sarah

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now