Four - Chamber Days

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I almost scream when somebody scoops me off the ground and into the sky. I know it's Natsu though. I take a deep breath. "You scared me!" I say over the wind.

Natsu smirks. "Sorry Luce. Just giving you a ride."

After a while he lands at the edge of of a cave entrance. He doesn't set me down. "Natsu?" I poke his cheek.

He gives me a look. "Yeah, I didn't tell you that it takes a week, did I?"

"No." I sweat-drop. "Maybe you should tell me the details before... what ever."

"Good idea." He finally sets me down. "Well there's a process. It only really affects the dragon, so I'm gonna be doing a lot of the work." He rubs the back of his neck. "Um, so, this is the place where the week goes by." He gestures to the cave. "I'll explain in there."

We go in and I gasp. The place is warmly lit by a fire and there's a pile of blankets by the fire. "Oh my! Natsu it's so pretty in here!" I look to my right to see a steaming... natural hot springs?! "Well I guess the hot springs are relevant. I could never bathe in less than two days." I sit down on a spread out blanket.

Natsu sits beside me and starts to explain things. He says it takes seven to nine days. Though he doesn't say why it takes so long, I ask, but he says if he tells me then he can never mark me. He says some other stuff but I barely understand.

I smile as he ends. "I think I can do that."

"If it makes more sense, we just have to stay here for the whole week while I impress you." He smirks. "First step..." he looks up and thinks for a minute. "I barely remember, but you should get some sleep. It's... morning already." He lays out a blanket for himself as I lie down on the one I was originally sitting on.

For awhile I can't sleep and I start to shiver, even with the fire. "Oi, princess, you need to stay warm." Natsu says through my hazy fatigue thoughts. A warm blanket falls over my body and I sigh with pleasure. "That better, Luce?"

I nod, finally falling into sleep. A warm feeling in my chest. No. My heart. A small smile finds my lips as I drift into a night of dreams.


"Wake up, Luce." Somebody whispers in my ear.

I open my eyes and smile at Natsu leaning over me, seeming overly happy. "Hey, Natsu, mornin'"

"Morning Luce! Did you sleep well?" He asks, almost... concerned?

I hum, sitting up. "It was amazing, why?"

Natsu relaxes his tense shoulders. "Just wondering." He mumbles, barely audible. "So what you want for breakfast?"

I stare at him blankly. "Aren't we in the middle of the woods?" I ask.

"Well, duh, but I can hunt." He explains.

I blink a bit shocked, but then smile dreamily up at him. "Surprise me, prince."

His lips form a smile. "Won't take long, princess."

Whaaaaa I know it's like really short, minna! I'm so sorry! It's just that everything that's been going wrong and right in my life is crap. Considering these ideas for books are being my grades down is bad, but that doesn't mean I'm not updating!!!!

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now