Six - The Bite

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"It's the last day..." I mumble. I was kinda nervous because I have no idea what's going to happen. I mean, I've never been in love, or mate, or I have no idea how to explain it. I'll wait for Natsu to come back with lunch.

When he does, he sits close to me and kisses my cheek. "Here y'go Luce."

I answer with a smile as I reach out for the rabbit, I think, and put it on the rotating thingy... eh whatever. My arms automatically go around Natsu's neck, kissing him on the lips lightly. "That didn't really take too long, you get faster ever day. I'm impressed." I tilt my head when he grins. "What?"

"Well, that was a step, to impress you and all. I don't know." He puts an arm around my waist. "I'm sorry I have no idea how to cook..."

I giggle, pulling away to turn the rabbit around ninty degrees. "Well I should be able to return some helpings. You shouldn't have to do all the work." I tell him, seeing him frown. "I'm not a girl that lets her man take all the credit, now." I smirk, leaning towards his face.

Natsu is so cute when he blushes. "U-um w-well thanks. You should teach me one time, y'know, how to cook things." He scratches the back of his furry head and smiles his usual childish grin.

I let myself fall into his chest and relax in his warm arms. "Ah, you're so warm Natsu."

"And you're so cold!" He suddenly picks me up then plops me down in front of the hot springs. "I'll figure out the fire, I guess, you need to keep warm, Princess."

"Natsu, I'm not cold-" He gives me a mean look and I obey. "Fine..."

He nods and gives me my privacy as I strip my clothes and slide into the oh-so comfortable water. I let a delighted sound escape my lips as I'm enveloped in warmth.

"Comfy, Luce?" Natsu calls.

I turn and look at the back of Natsu's head. "It's as good as always..." I hum lightly, then smile. "Turn the bird, Natsu."

"Hai." He turns it lightly and then looks back at me, hopefully knowing that none of my parts were showing. "After the bird is done, can I join you?"

My cheeks brush pink, but it wasn't weird he'd already come into the springs with me before, of course. Trusting. I smile at him, making him grin. "Yes my prince, you may come join me after our dinner has been cooked."

Natsu chuckles. "You know, calling me that just gets me..." He trails off. "Did I actually just start to say that out loud?"

He shook his head, his back to me, but there was literally fire on the end of his tail, and that meant he was nervous. I smile softly, sinking into the hot water further up to my chin. "So Natsu, you never really answered me."


I frown a little. "Before, I asked you what'll happen on the last day."

He didn't respond for so long I was scared that he was ignoring me, but he usually knows that I get impatient. "Considering we're dragging on a few days later, it's gonna be a lot stronger...?" Natsu never sounded so unsure of himself before. "I don't think I'm even supposed to know."

I hum, interested and a quite confused. "Natsu, I think the bird should be done."

"Okay, just one second." There was a lot of shuffling until I saw a shadow loom above me and then he slid into the water far off, letting out a satisfied sound, just as I had. "I feel like it's more comfortable than the other nights."

I giggle, covering my mouth slightly. "You've been working so hard, Natsu, I'm surprised you haven't fallen asleep yet." I tell him, crossing my arms a little self conscious.

Natsu laughs, grinning. "I did it for you."

My heart skips a beat, my cheeks flustering red. "A-ah th-thank you." I give a shy smile under some loose hair in my eyes.

Natsu slides closer, but still makes sure I have enough space so I don't feel violated. He leans forward and brushes the hair out of my eyes, a soft look on his face that makes my heart slam against my chest. "I can hear your heart from here, Luce."

My face lights up like fire on timber.

~ ~ ~

I nibble on the bird that Natsu caught and cooked, very well and it was watering my mouth. So delicious. When I finished, I saw Natsu staring at me and that just made me looked flustered again.

"N-Natsu? Can I help you?" I ask, tilting my head to the right.

He raises his eyebrows, a small smile playing on his lips. "Can I kiss you?" That was probably the last thing I expected for him to ask me, but all I did, in a daze, was nod.

As he crawled forward, I was imagining what the hell could happen, but before I had any other thoughts... he was cross-legged in front of me, blinking. "You can kiss me..." I say in a whisper, not knowing if this was a soft moment or not.

Natsu took his hand and cupped my neck, pulling me forward as he leaned forward. I let my eyes flutter shut as our lips meet lightly, and then I string my arms around his neck and the kiss deepens dramatically. Both hands travel up and down bodies, every edge and curve. I wrap my legs around Natsu's waist, making him take a quick in take of air, I murmur something, not sure what but he didn't hesitate to kiss me again.

For awhile it's touching everywhere, and Natsu has fallen fond of my legs and snakes his arm around my waist. He starts kissing me down the neck, making me shiver because of the new place I've never been touched upon, especially with such blazing lips. His other hand not supporting my waist glided up my leg, coming to my thighs, coming closer to my ass. In reality I'd usually push him away and be all, "Perv!" But I didn't help but moan, quite loudly too...

I gasp as Natsu licks part of my neck, making me scratch his shoulders. I feel his lips against my skin, feeling them form into a smile. I tangle my fingers in his hair and I feel his teeth touch my neck, but the thing is, his teeth are like fangs... of course he must be marking me.

He's marking me.

A loud gasp escapes my lips as I feel his full-out teeth sink into my delicate skin. Suddenly, I feel a surge of energy and I feel like there's columns of flames all around me, like I'm bathed in fire. Natsu pulls back, and I can see desire but also a slight bit of worry set in those onyx eyes of his.

I put my hands on either side of his face. "I'm yours." I whisper, making him growl like an animal.

"I love you, Luce..." He looks at me, the way I've always dreamed of my prince charming to look at me, but it's a prince dragon and I have no problems with that.

My lips touch his lightly as he lays atop of me, supporting himself so he doesn't crush me. I trace my thumbs over his cheekbones and whisper back, "I love you too, my prince."

He chuckles lightly and we go back to loving each other. After the fire has burnt out for the night, we fall asleep in each others arms, feeling safe. Natsu is the only place I can feel safe.

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now