One - The Encounter

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Minna! I don't own the Fairy Tail characters in this story!!
I can't help but laugh as I watch a human man try to hurt me. I grab the man's fist with my own hand. "So, acting all cocky today?" I tease the struggling man. I don't let him go. "Y'know, I'd love to play, but you're getting boring." I let the dirty-blond guy go, pushing him on the ground, and then strike him hard in the stomach with my foot. 

The man whimpers and mutters, "I'm sorry..." so quietly no human would be able to catch it, but I'm no human.

I grin. "Apology accepted," I hum before walking off with my head held high.

My walk lasts for awhile, admiring the familiar views. Then suddenly my shoulder is jerked back. I spin around, as does the idiot that would dare-

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" The beautiful girl gasps, her hood falling to show her face, but still hidden from other civilians. "I-I didn't mean to-"

I smile. "Ah, just who might you be?"

I remove her hood but she draws it back on. "I'm surprised you don't recognize me." She stares up at me with her pretty brown eyes. "If I tell you, promise not to tell the king?"

My mouth opens then closes. Wait. Her King, Jude Heartfillia, not Igneel. How I want to kill Jude... I take a deep breath. "I suppose. Though I don't see the relevance."

She frowns and looks to where my wings are, but she's human. "U-um..." her gaze falls to the ground and her face turns pink. "I'm Jude's daughter."

My heart turns stone. Never mind. I can't look at other princesses in lust. Considering this one is human. I smell in deeply trying to calm myself, but get a whiff of her smell. Now that smell isn't completely human...

"Hey that's cool I'm a prince!" I say without thinking.

The blonde girl stares at me confused. "So you're not from around here...?" She tries to state but it is obviously a question.

"Lucy!" A voice calls out. I look towards a voice to see a boy I've crossed roads with before. He catches up to her, holding his bare chest trying to calm his heart rate. "God, you have to stop sneaking out. Your dad is furious, I think he's finally thinking of taking those keys away."

I raise my eyebrows. "Does she like going into a room so much he needs to take a key away?"

Gray Fullbuster glares at me. "None of your business, Flame-Brain."

"EH?! You know each other?!" The so called Lucy asks, apparently shocked that we are acquaintances.

"Yeah, and he has some guts showing his face to another royal." Gray growls.

I step forward, baring my teeth. I know that Gray can see my dragon features, he has the sight to see through The Shield. "You got some guts to talk lowly of me, Ice Princess!" I snarl.

Gray leans towards Lucy and whispers, "You're not at all scared of this dragon?" He asks probably not wanting me to hear.

Lucy glances where my wings and tail are. "Of course I am. All dragons want my father dead," She hisses back. "So I wouldn't be surprised if I'd be kidnapped or killed if I visit the forest."

"You can see my features?" I ask her.

She tenses and looks at me in the eyes. "Can you see mine?" At the time I didn't realize she was being sarcastic.

"LUCY!" Gray grabs her arm and starts to pull her, but I grab her opposite arm and rip her out of his grasp. "No! Natsu you can start war by just touching Lucy. Not only between human and dragon, but nymph and dragon." Gray crosses his arms. "Let the princess go."

I scowl. "You think I'm gonna give up like that-?" Wait. Did I hear nymphs? "HUH? What do you mean by nymphs?!" I hiss, letting the blonde beauty go.

Lucy holds the arm in pain. "Gray, I highly doubt the nymphs would care. My mother's passing was my father's fault. I have his blood in these veins!" She points at the veins in her inside wrist.

Gray rolls his eyes. "Do I need to get Jellal?"

Lucy squeaks. "Nope." And runs off towards her castle.

I glare at Gray. "What does she mean her mother is Jude's fault?" I growl at him.

Gray sweat drops. "Well Layla was a nymph. And the kingdom cut down several trees, including her own."

"Then what tree is Lucy part of?" I ask with a smirk.

Gray snickers. "In heaven's reach." He keeps laughing while walking away.

I growl and turn on my heel. I stomp the rest of the way to my kingdom and when I get to the outskirts of the forest, I hear beautiful singing.

I smirk and head over to the salt-water lake. I dip my feet in the water and sigh inwardly. "Oi girls!" I say.

The singing cuts off and two heads bob up to the surface of the water. "Natsu!" Lissana sings delightfully.

"Hey, Lissana! Cana!" I nod my head and smirk. "You won't believe who I met today."

"I'd believe anything you'd say, Natsu." Lissana sighs and hoists herself out of my the water beside me.

"Well get this: the only child of Jude Heartfillia is part nymph." I say with a wide grin.

Cana leans an elbow on the sandy surface. "Why do you seem happy? You really need to stop with the whole 'every blonde I meet will be my mate!'"

I snort. "I guess you're right." I pause and think for a while. My smile disintegrates. "It's just... she wasn't scared of me. Though she could see my features and all."

Cana sips her booze (I have no idea how a mermaid drinks booze underwater, but she's totally a drunk). "Natsu, you get excited too easily. This is why you should mark Lissana." She says with a smirk.

My face turns red, and Lissana dives underwater and comes up as red as me. "C-Cana we've gone through this. I-I'm not a child anymore." Lissana goes back underwater.

Cana smirks. "She just doesn't know what to do, y'know she has a giant crush on you." Lissana's muffled scream comes out from the water.

"When we're like ten!" She yells loudly.

I sigh. "Well I guess I'll be off. As usual, I left without permission." I roll off the ground and spread my red wings out. "And off to getting yelled at, again." I mumble as I flap my wings once and am sent flying into the sky.


I land on my room balcony, the second highest tower in the whole castle, next to Igneel's which is the tallest. I stretch my wings and sigh in delight. It hadn't been a week since I had flown. Flying makes me feel so FREE! I love it and who could not like it?

"Natsu!" A girl voice calls from behind me. I look behind me to see my cousin Wendy. "I-Igneel wants to see you..."

I growl. "I just got back. Tell him I'm busy thinking about princesses I want to mark."

Wendy stares at me blankly, her white tail whipping back and forth nervously. "He demands that you come now. Please Natsu, remember the last time I didn't bring you back with me?"

I feel guilt suddenly. "Fine." The last time she had failed to bring me to my father, he put her in a coma for a month and she couldn't fly for another two months. I smirk. "On one condition."

"What...?" She asks wonderingly.

"You..." I spread my wings. "Have to cover me the next time. I'm hoping to meet that human-nymph again." I jump off my balcony and plummet to the great hall. This might be weird, but Igneel is a literal dragon. No human body. ALL DRAGON. I crouch and make a crack spread out across the throne room floor. I grimace up at my father. "Hey dad..."

Igneel uses his paw and slams it just to scratch my chest, right in front of me. "You dare defy my rules?!" His powerful voice booms through the halls of the castle.

"Look, I don't know what you mean. I met this girl, she part human-" I start.


"If you would let me finish." I snap. He growls and I shrug. "Okay, the other way around to make you feel better: part nymph and part human."

Igneel actually seems interested. "What kingdom?"

"There's the problem." Natsu says. He hesitates. "She is a Heartfillia..."

"WHAT?!" Igneel hits a pillar and it falls down in crumbling pieces. "HEARTFILLIAS SHALL ALL DIE IF THEY DARE TOUCH-!"

"I TOUCHED HER! SHE IS DIFFERENT FATHER! SHE HAS A TRUE HEART!" I scream idiotically. I close my mouth ready to be punished.

"Different? True heart?" Igneel asks in his creepy voice. Shivers run down my spine. Damn it.

I nod. "Her companions, the ice-bearer Gray Fullbuster and the dark spirit Jellal Fernades." I say and see a glint of interest in my father's eyes. "She wasn't scared father. She could see all of my skin, my tail, my wings, and she did not hesitate to talk." I bow my head. "I'm sorry for screaming at you..."

He chuckles. "Now that's what I call a starting of war..." I snap my head up looking at him in surprise. "I bet you she's just a toy, my son, she will be furious about you daring to touch her. She will start a war."

I just stare into my father's eyes with my own. "But father, she's innocent, ice princess- I mean Gray warned me but hinted in no way that they intended to start a war."

My father strikes me and I crash against another pillar, a crack running through it. "No, we are readying for war. If they do not attack; we will."

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now