Five - I Love You

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So far this thing has been working... I mean Lucy keeps saying she's happy and knows I'll protect her. I always smile at that.

Her face has been brighter since before, considering she a lot of the time is still put-down about abandoning her father. Right now it's about mid-day, according to the sun, which is right over head. Lucy and I are sitting in a tree, waiting for an animal to cook for dinner to pass.

"Hey Natsu?" Lucy whispers after a while.

I'm knocked out of my daze of thoughts by her angelic voice. "Yeah, Luce?" I ask, I look at her wonderingly also concerned.

She's not looking at me, just staring forward with her eyes glaring off in space. "D-do you l-love me?" She stutters, her face turning red as she looks away.

A grin breaks out across my face. "Is that even a question?" I ask lowly, making her shiver as I place a hand on the small of her back. I lean close to her ear. "If I said yes, what would you say?" I whisper, seeing her hair stir from my breath.

She turns to me, looking in my eyes. "I-I think... I m-mean..." She blushes furiously, looking forward again. I raise my eyebrows, and I know she can see me in the corner of her eye. "Natsu... I've never been in love before, so I don't know what it's like... a-are y-you supposed to always feel more happy around them? Feel... free?" Luce looks at me through tear-filled eyes, and I panic.

"H-hey! No crying!" I say loudly, probably scaring away our lunch. I caress Lucy's face and brush my thumbs against her cheeks to get rid of the tears. Her bottom lip is trembling like she's scared, it's making me feel her emotions. "Luce... you're right. That's what you feel. I'm in love with you because you're the light to my days, your voice is prettiest of angels, your beauty... Mavis your beauty is more magnificent than life." I lean forward but stop. I can't kiss her until she understands her feelings. Our lips are practically touching and I really want to taste what her mouth tastes like but... AGH! Stupid dragon-mating rules!

I pull away, mumbling an apology as I see hurt in her eyes. "When you can explain to me what you feel... then we..." I sigh, looking forward to the direction she had. My eyes then shut and I take a deep breath in to smell her addicting scent.

I hear a sniffle, I look sharply at Lucy thinking she was crying just to see her shoulders shaking and a smile across her face. That's when she bursts out laughing, she waves her hand at me dismissively when I sit there confused out of Hell. She breathes deeply before letting one more little giggle out.

"Oh Natsu, my prince, how you can be so charmingly an idiot." She looks into my eyes, realizing I'm still out of it. "Natsu, that's why I'm asking for Mavis's sake! I can't explain my love because I feel too much!" She moves sideways so she straddles the branch we sit on like she's sitting on a saddle. "You're..." Lucy bites her lower lip, making me swoon, but I don't show it. "You're different, in the best of different. You're strong, protecting, caring, loving-dare I say it-, damn sexy. Natsu Dragneel I don't think there's another dragon-blood... no. There is not another thing on earth-land, oh by Mavis-"

The next thing she does surprises me. I literally fall off the tree when she grabs my face between her hands and smashes her lips on to mine. I practically yell into her mouth as I jerk back in shock, but to no avail as I knock both of us over the very high-up branch.

Luce lets out a strangled yell, and I catch her in my arms. As we plummet to the ground, my red dragon wings catch onto the wind as I spread them. I hear the goddess clutching to me for dear life hitch her breath and let out a sigh of relief when I whisper another apology.

The Dragon and the Princess - a Fairy Tail, NaLu Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now