My new life as a British badass

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Answer the questions at the end of the chapter.

Oh yea, don't steal any ideas nor the whole chapter, this story is copyrighted so if you think it's cool to copy our story you've got something else coming -Aliza


Jenny POV

I'm tired of being the girl who's always getting pushed around.

Watch out London. You've got a baddie coming your way.

I'm totally re-inventing myself, you won't see Jenny get pushed around ever again! I start apartment searching after I get off of this damn plane! I'm gonna go back to school, I'll be a Senior in high school, and make something of myself. I'm gonna dance, sing, act, do whatever it takes to make my dreams a reality. I'm gonna travel the world and leave my old life behind; and in 7 years I'll be legally declared dead in America. I need a new name... (A/N Comment a name you think compliments a bad-ass London girl with amazing talent!! The writer will pick the one she likes best.!) 7 hours later I'm in London. I trade my dollars for pounds and decide to eat at Nandos. I've heard that's an amazing place.. I pull out my laptop & research London's history and housing. I find a cozy little place in Camden Town, not too far from a school. I get a to go box for my food and find the nearest bus stop. I feel the need to explore a little bit... As I walked on the bus unsure as to how UK buses work, does it matter if you sit on top or bottom?? I see the HOTTEST, MOST SEXY guy I've ever seen on this bus. OH EM GEE! I didn't think London could get any better, until I heard him talk OH LAWD! I'm gonna love London! ;) Once I navigated my way to Camden Town, I pulled up a map on my new Samsung Galaxy S4 and typed in Bethel Acres Housing (A/N It was a place in Shawnee, OK that got DESTROYED by a tornado on Sunday night. R.I.P to the many dead. #PrayForOklahoma) It isn't very far from where I am. I stop by a Starbucks get a Caramel Frappè and I am on my way. I was kinda hoping I'd run into someone, spilling my frappè on them and we'd fall in love and live happy ever after. But that only happens in movies and fan-fiction. I find the apartments and marvel at the beauty. London is truly beautiful. As I was marveling storm clouds rolled in, just my luck! I hurry and run in the main office. "Hello, how may I help you" the young secretary asked. I clear my throat. "I saw your online ad and was wondering if it's still available?" "Ah, you're American!" she smiled "Yes it is. Number 520... Wanna look at it now?" " Can I??" I didn't know you could do that... "Yes, of course! Follow me." she grabbed her umbrella and walked outside "Does it always rain here in Camden Town??" I asked innocently "Sure enough. But 'tis a beautiful thing in early spring!" Is it possible that she's Scottish, Irish, maybe? How am I just noticing this?! I need to brush up on accents! Once we finally get there, its beautiful! I didn't expect it to be so big!! Its only a two bedroom! I look around in amazement. Big kitchen, big bathroom. The master bedroom is twice the size of the one Ray and I shared! I love this apartment!! "I'll take it!! When do you want your down payment?" "As soon as possible, Ms.. What was it?" Oh God. Think Jenny!! "Smith." I had no choice but to use Ray's last name! Don't judge me!

(A/N I know Ray's last name isn't Smith, but when this book was made everyone thought it was.)

"Ms. Smith. When shall I be expecting to see you again" she smiled. "If all goes right, tomorrow." I returned her smile. "Shall we go back?" she asked "We shall." I smiled. I love it here! I say my goodbyes and go to the bank. I draw out money for a hotel to stay at tonight. I'm still a little scared from last time I was in a hotel..


It was 2003 I was around 7. The hotel clerk looked a me a little too long. He opened our door in the night and took me. I was scared! The one time my parents aren't selling be to numerous old men, one takes me. "Hey! You don't have to take her.. Give me another night free of charge, and you can do what you like with her!" my 'dad' said. I gagged at this, how could he do this?! Regardless, he got a free night and I got tortured, raped, and beaten. Welcome to my childhood!

End of Flashback.

Regardless, I bought a room and locked my door and window. A little after I checked in I realized I need clothes.. Dammit! I don't wanna go outside again!! I got out 50£ (A/N I have no idea if that's for pounds or it € is... Don't judge.) for Pj's & clothes for tomorrow. Pretty soon I'll need a job, and new wardrobe. My American clothes are boring. I got to the nearest shop, my some pajama pants, a Beatles half-shirt, and some purple skinnys. You would never see the old me wearing this. To be honest, I don't really like the Beatles anyhow... I go ahead and buy an umbrella. You never know when rain clouds are gonna roll in over here.

Meanwhile in America...

Chres' POV

I gave up after about 9 hours of looking. That bitch can find me if she wants me, as much as I know she does. I ran into Jacob's crazy ass back in about hour 3, he apologized for his crazy "antics" whatever those are. He's delusional I swear. Jenny, wherever you are, just know, I love you not these jokers! Call me!

Ray's POV

"And Iiiiiii will always lovvvee yyoouu!!!" Whitney's beautiful voice sang out. God bless her soul. Yeah, some might say I'm depressed. See how you feel after your almost fiance cheats on you with your best friend, then runs away never to be found again!! I can't believe her. I guess I can return this stupid ring now... A single tear escapes my eye. I just wanna cry!!!! Stay strong Ray! I don't know what I did to deserve this.. Maybe I should've killed myself back there... Its not to late!!!

I'm sorry this is short, I know you waited a long time for this chapter. I didn't wanna give away to much!!

(A/N it's not short -Aliza)

I'm out of school so expect me to be writing more!

Comment what your name for Jenny should be!!

New characters are needed! Jenny needs a roommate! Full information is needed, ages 17-23

needed, feel free to lie. Lmao!

Do you think Ray will kill himself this time?

What do you think Jenny should major in??

What about Roc? What do you think he'll do?

Where in the world is Jacob?!?

Find out in the next chapter of Don't Hurt Me.(:

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Thank you so much Nae. Té amó bebé. You're amazing. Thanks for taking over while I've been busy. Undubyxtbinj. -Aliza

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