13- it's a strange way of saying i know i'm supposed to love you

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Things aren't the same anymore. Some nights they get so bad you almost pick up the phone...It's a strange way of saying I know I'm supposed to love you. I'm supposed to love you.


"I fu cking hate him," Michael snarls, fists clenched, jumping off the couch and to his feet. "He's gonna pay for this."

The four boyfriends--now three--are seated on the couch as Calum and Luke tell Michael and Ashton about Calum's incident with Aaron that day.

"Mike, there's nothing you can do about it," Calum sighs, eyes cast on the ground. The tan boy is obviously upset--Michael can tell--but he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it. Michael has the exact opposite mindset. If he doesn't make a big deal out of it, no one will. Ashton's too worried about risking his scholarships and Luke is too afraid and Calum must think he deserves it.

It's up to Michael to get revenge.

"Like hell there's nothing I can do about it," the tattooed boy rolls his eyes. "I'll kill him. I'll kill him for putting his filthy hands on you"

"He's already suspended," Calum shrugs nonchalantly, obviously trying to act like it isn't as big of a deal as it is. "It's whatever. It won't stop him."

Frowning, Michael grabs Calum's chin forcefully, causing their eyes to meet. Michael's gaze is firm, capturing Calum's in a promise. "No one touches my princess and gets away with it."


"You don't really think Mike's gonna go after Aaron, do you?" Calum asks nervously. He's curled in Ashton's lap, the muscular boy stroking his hair. He isn't in tears yet, but Ashton can tell that he's close. The whole incident clearly bothers Calum a lot more than he would like to admit.

"Judging by the way he stormed out of the apartment," Ashton reminds Calum. "Yeah, I think he is."

Calum sighs. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Cal," Luke frowns. He's sitting on the other side of Ashton, playing with Calum's fingers. "H-He almost--"

"R aped me, I know."

"That's not something to take lightly, sweetheart," Ashton scolds. "Michael just wants to protect you."

"I don't want him getting hurt," Calum sighs. "I don't want it to be my fault." Ashton's heart breaks--how could Calum think that this is his fault?

"Hey, he can protect himself, too," Ashton assures Calum, and Luke nods in agreement.

"Mikey's strong," Luke mumbles. "T-Takes care of us."

"And he's damn good at it, too," Ashton adds.

Calum shrugs, still not fully convinced, and fists Ashton's t-shirt--which is really Michael's t-shirt--with the hand that isn't being held by Luke. "What if something happens and he can't take care of us anymore?" Calum asks, sadness lacing his voice.

Though the idea sounds like an absolute hell to Ashton, he takes the statement lightheartedly, making a joke to cheer Calum up. "Who do you think does all the cooking and cleaning in this apartment?" Ashton laughs. "Not Michael, that's for sure."

Calum giggles, which makes both Ashton and Luke smile, relieved that Calum is feeling better, even if it's only the slightest bit.

"Besides, this is Michael we're talking about," Ashton reminds the two boys. "He'll be fine. He always is."

"D-Don't like it wh-when he f-fights," Luke admits. "Don't l-like it when he's m-mad."

"Me neither love," Ashton sighs, leaning his head on Luke's shoulder. Luke is almost as tall as Ashton, the muscular boy notices, but due to his frail frame, he seems so much smaller. Not dainty like Calum, but fragile. Unhealthy. Ashton doesn't like it. "But he'll be fine," Ashton repeats firmly. "He always is."


Michael imagines steam blowing out of his ears like a caricature as he jerks his car to a stop in the high school parking lot. It's late and most students are gone, except maybe the marching band and--shockingly--the football team.

It infuriates Michael but it doesn't surprise him that though Aaron is suspended, he's still at football practice. Is that legal?

Practice must be over, because tall, built boys are exiting the stadium. Michael scans their faces as they appear, searching for the bastard who hurt his princess.

Aaron is one of the last ones to come out--even the coach is gone--so the parking lot is empty. Perfect.

As soon as the bully exits the stadium, his eyes lock of Michael, who is out of his car and striding towards Aaron, hatred burning in his eyes.

"You fuckin g dick!" Michael shouts, slamming his fist into the side of Aaron's face as soon as he's in reach. "I told you to stay away from him!"

Aaron regained his balance, a smirk plastered across his bloody face. It infuriated Michael. "He was mine before he was yours, anyways."

"Shut the f uck up!" Aaron dodges Michael's next blow, directing one of his own at Michael's stomach.

Michael doubles over in pain, but he isn't giving up yet. He wants to kill him.

With a look of pure malice gracing his face, Michael leaps at Aaron, knocking him to the ground. Pinning the larger boy underneath him, he raises his fist to throw a punch, but Aaron catches his wrist.

Somehow, the bully flips Michael over, hovering on top of him, nails still digging into his wrist. "You little b itch," Aaron laughs, blooding dripping from his nose and landing on Michael's cheek. The tattooed boy grimaces in disgust. He struggles, but Aaron is strong. Stronger than last time.

"I'll fuckin g kill you," Michael seethes, but he knows it's just a bluff. Aaron is in control of the situation now.

"You're not really in the position to be making threats, are you?" Aaron teases. He grips Michael's hair, lifting his head up off of the ground, bringing them nose to nose. "You're not that ugly, you know that?" Aaron has a terrifying smirk on his face. "You're no Calum, but I guess you'll do."

Michael's eyes widen in fear and confusion--what the f uck is going on?--and before he knows it, his head is being slammed down onto the pavement. Hard.

He immediately begins to feel dizzy, unable to ignore the sharp throbbing in his head. He starts to feel numb, he feels helpless. He hates it. He can feel Aaron's hands release him, but he is unable to move. Oh, God. Aaron's hands are on Michael's belt buckle. Michael can't breathe.

The last thing he sees is Aaron's terrifyingly devious smirk.


A/N: AHAHAHAHAH IM SO SORRY lmoa i love this story sm

guys i convinced my mom to take me to birmingham to see fob even though its 150 miles away and on a school night im so happy

how do we feel about the chapter??? michael's response to calum's confession? ashton's response? michael and aaron? did anyone guess aaron would do something like this?? how do we feel?????

and how is everyone today? I LIKE KNOWING ABOUT YOUR LIVES MY LIL ANGELS (':

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