15- we fade out as the soundtrack sings

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The hero dies in this scene. Your inspiration is the loss of absolutely everything. And flashback on the girl as we montage every memory and we bleed out in the bathroom sink and we fade out as the soundtrack sings.


Luke watches Michael curled up on the couch from his position in the kitchen. Michael never came to bed last night, so Ashton decided to go check on him. Ashton never came back to bed, either. Luke now knows that it's because Ashton is sleeping on the floor next to the couch. Luke thinks it's cute. He wants to protect Michael, even though the tough boy doesn't want protecting.

Speaking of protecting.

Luke doesn't know what to do. He hasn't self harmed once since moving in with Michael and Calum, but that doesn't mean the urges have gone away. Sometimes he sits in the bathroom while his boyfriends sleep, clutching Michael's razor, debating on whether or not he should do it. He scratches his wrists absentmindedly during class. When he's the only one home, he stares at the scars on his skin until he cries. He misses it. He wants to do it so bad.

Goddammit, he needs it.

But Calum is out of it today. Michael is sad. Ashton is completely occupied with trying to make sure both of them are okay, that he doesn't realize that Luke isn't. Usually, this is something that Luke would go to Michael about. He loves all of his boys equally, of course, but he has different types of relationships with all of them.

Calum makes him laugh. He runs his thumb across the top of Luke's larger hand, acting protective even though Luke is much, much taller.

Ashton gives him advice. Tells him how to handle bullies and arrogant teachers. Rubs his back when he's stressed out.

Michael holds him when he's sad. Traces shapes on his thigh. Wipes his tears. Kisses his neck.

But obviously Michael is not in the state to console Luke at the moment. Luke would tell Ashton or Calum, but it just isn't the same as Michael. Michael always knows what to say to make things right. To make Luke feel important.

Michael was the first one to take interest in Luke. He was the one who rescued Luke from his abusive family. He is important.

Luke's blue eyes are still set on Michael as the dark haired boy begins to stir on the couch. Michael's eyelids flutter, opening briefly but closing again before he can see Luke.

Luke bites his lip, trying to decide whether or not he wants to be in the room when Michael wakes up. He knows he needs to be there for Michael, he needs to help his boyfriend through whatever it is that he's going through, but Luke's wrists are itching. He can't think straight. He can't take care of anyone but himself right now.

Does Luke want to be in the room when Michael wakes up? It's a no-brainer, really.

Luke turns around and quickly but quietly rushes towards the bathroom.



Michael's rough morning voice wakes Ashton from his light sleep. He jolts up immediately, afraid that something is wrong. His back aches from sleeping on the poorly carpeted floor, but he doesn't care. Michael's staring down at him with big green eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asks, jumping up off of the floor and onto the couch.

Michael shakes his head. "Nothing, it's just...did you sleep there all night, babe?"

Ashton blushes a light shade of pink, like cotton candy. "Maybe."

Michael looks equally grateful and concerned. "Why? You know Calum needs you right now."

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