Nice To Meet You~~

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Chapter 2: Nice to meet you

When I reached the dorm, I was the first one there and my luggage’s are on the bed. I placed my guitar on the corner of my side of the room and began placing my clothes in my closet. I took my IMac, keyboard and laptop and placed them on my desk. I plugged my IMac and keyboard in and placed my laptop beside my IMac. I then decorated my room using the materials I brought. I designed my walls black with fairy lights on it. My bed is blue with white leaves and I stuck some pictures on my walls. While sticking my last picture, the door opened to reveal the girl I saw my brother sang to earlier.

“Hi. You must be Jessica. I’m Beca.” She said.

“Hi Beca. It’s nice to meet you. Call me Jess by the way.” I told her.

“Cool décor.” She complemented.


While she fixed her things, I noticed she had a keyboard and she then played a cool tune.

“You play the piano?” I asked her.

“Yeah. You play too?”

“Yeah. Cool song by the way. Did you make it?”

“Yeah. I mash-up some songs to create a new beat.”


She smiled at me then continued working on her music when someone knocked on the door and said, “Hey, this is the campus police. Hide your wine coolers.”

The door opened to reveal a man in his late 50’s wearing a brown suit.

“Just your old man making a funny.” He said as he looked at Beca.

I then heard Beca say, “Chris Rock, everybody.”

“Hey, you must be Beca’s roommate. I’m Dr. Mitchell Beca’s dad. I teach Comparative Literature here.” He told me.

“It’s nice to meet you Dr. Mitchell. I’m Jessica Swanson.” I said to him.

Him and Beca talked for a while and it seems that that is my cue to leave.

“I’m just going to the activities fair.” I told them.

When I opened the door, I heard Beca say, “Me too. I’m going to the activities fair with my super good friend, Jess.”

I waited for her outside the door then we began to walk to the activities fair.

“What was that all about?” I asked her.

“My dad forced me to go to college but I wanted to go to L.A. and get a job at a record label.” She replied.

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