A Month Later~~~

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Chapter 3: A month later

After class, Beca dragged me to the radio station to start our internship. When we entered the station, we walked up to guy talking on the phone and told him our names.

“Over there.” He said, as he gestured to a door on the far corner of the station that said ‘STUDIO’

As we entered the studio, we saw that it has a lot of shelves full of cd. We then heard the Dj say over the radio, “99.7,WBMJ, Music for the independent mind.”

Music started playing as me and Beca roamed the room and as we reached the booth, we saw that the Dj sitting on the chair a while ago was gone. The door then opened revealing the Dj who said, “Hey.”

“Hi.” I greeted.

“Have you been standing there long?” he asked

Oh, he’s British.

“No. No. We just got here. We weren’t just…standing here.” Beca said, as the DJ entered the booth.

We were also about to enter when he said, “Freshmen aren’t aloud in the booth.”

“Sorry.” I muttered.

“I’m Luke. Station manager. You must be Becky and Jessica, the intern?” He asked.

 Oh! His name is Luke. Good to know. Hot name for a hot guy.

Beca was about to correct her name when a familiar voice said, ”Hey, man, what’s up? I’m Jess.”

The Luke then said, “I’m Luke, you’re late.”

 “Hey, I know you.” Jesse exclaimed, as he pointed at Beca.

“No, you don’t.” Beca countered.

“Yeah, I do.”

“He doesn’t.” Beca told Luke.

“Totally know her.” Jesse also told Luke.

“Okay, cool. Well, you guys can figure it out while you’re stacking CD’s. When you’re done, there’s more. Now, you guys will be spending a lot of down time together, so please, just no sex on the desk. I’ve been burned before.” Luke said, as he went back to the booth.

“Ugh! Well, that’s not going to happen soon. He’s my brother for Pete’s sake.” I said to myself.

Apparently, Jesse heard, so he just snickered and ruffled my hair.

I glared at Jesse and said, “Don’t touch my hair. I’ve spent a long time fixing it.”

My hair is or WAS in a braid. I was wearing a black shirt under a denim jacket, maroon pants and white converse. Since my hair is destroyed, I just let it down.

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