Spring Break Part 2~~~

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Chapter 14: Spring Break Part 2

The next morning, I woke up feeling nervous because I was about to tell my parents I have a boyfriend. Wonder how well they’ll take it. When I told my parents I had a crush, they ALREADY gave me ‘the talk’ about sex and using protection for 3 HOURS. Thinking about it made me shiver. Anyway, I took a bath, brushed my teeth and threw on a white tank top, pink hoodie, washed jeans and dark brown ankle boots. I combed my hair and wore my favorite white hairband.

I went downstairs and when I reached the last step, I stopped. A few minutes later, Jesse passed by the stairs, stopped and looked at me with a confused face.

“Uh…Hey! Morni’n Jesse.” I greeted him.

“Morni’n too. Hey, how long have you been there?” He asked me.

“A few minutes.” I replied.

“Why?” He asked.

“I’m scared and nervous.”


“I’m about to tell mom and dad that I have a boyfriend and last time I only told them I had a crush and they already gave me ‘the talk’ about sex and using protection. I do not want to experience that again.”

He chuckled and said, “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”


“We’ll see.”

“Some big brother you are.”

“Whatever. Let’s go, I’m hungry.”

I sighed and followed him to the dining room. We all sat down and began to eat silently. Once in a while, Jesse would nudge my knee and giving me the ‘tell them’ look. Halfway through the meal, he gave me a harder nudge and I sighed. I put my utensils down and cleared my throat. Once I got their attention, I said, “Mom, dad, I have something to tell you.”

They gave me a look that said ‘Go on’ and I continued.

“I…uh…I…um…I-I” I kept stuttering but Jesse nudged me and I finally said, “I have a boyfriend.”

Dad who was drinking his water did a spit take. Mom was wide-eyed and her jaw dropped, while Jesse was silently laughing.

I glared at him and I was about to speak when dad beat me to it

“Young lady, I-“ Mom cut him off by saying, “Jessica, dear, we are so proud of you. But we need to have-“

“Mom, please. You gave me that talk years ago. I don’t need to hear it again. Besides, I’m careful. I love him very much so please support me on this.” I cut her off.

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