Chapter 9

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The fight went on for what felt like forever. Not too far in, the building began to shake. Amon grabbed your hand and led you away from the building as it caved in on itself. You easily kept up with him, but right now you needed to know if your parents were alive. Amon stopped when he saw a figure in the distance. The man had snow white hair. Together you watched until the man faded into the dust.

"Come, [Y/N]." Amon pulled you back to where the mission had began. The dead were all laid out in long lines. You covered your mouth, thankful for the helmet covering your tear filled [E/C] eyes. Today you had made it out alive thanks to Amon and your family.

"Mom!" You called out to her. She was injured, but not badly enough that she needed to be hospitalized. Your father on the other hand had gotten caught in the rubble. "[Y/N], thank god you made it out alive." She hugged you tightly after you took off your helmet. Both of you lost the man who kept it all together for you two. "I promise I won't ever fall, Mom." You said through clenched teeth.

It had been some time since the encounter with Aogiri Tree. Everyday on the news and in the office they were taking over other wards.

"All done." Suzuya said with a grin. He stuck his arm out, showing off the new stitches he had done. "Would you stop doing that?!" Takizawa scolded the younger man.

"Why should I?"

"You're supposed to be an investigator, right? What if the public sees you when you're messing around?" Takizawa frowned, looking angrier.

"T-Takizwa-kun, you shouldn't scold him so much." You put your hands up and gestured for him to calm down. The two never seemed to get along, even in the office. "Boy, you are annoying." Suzuya said to the both of you. He then leaned closer to Takizawa, wiggling his fingers, "Why don't I sew up that mouth that keeps opening up so much, Seido?" Takizawa stood up. "Hey, you! Don't get so full of yourself just because you got promoted, Juzo! I don't accept that you're an Investigator Second Grade, like me!"

"I see you two are at it again, like always, you two." Shinohara said as he walked into the room. You sighed, glad that those two were done fighting for now. "Shinohara-san!" All three of you said in amazement that he had recovered so quickly. "Hey," Shinohara responded. "Are you all recovered already?" Takizawa asked. "Luckily for me, I'm built tough."

"The indomitable Shinohara, I should have known." Hoji said as he approached, smiling. "Oh, Hoji. Thanks for covering for me while I was out." Shinohara turned to him. "Not at all," Hoji replied. "By the way, where is Amon?" Shinohara asked. "He said he would be here after stopping to visit Mado-san."

"Oh, I wanted to tell him right away that he has a new partner." At that you cringed. Sure, you were already Amon's partner, but perhaps they didn't think you were ready for the job yet. You sank back into your seat. What would your father say in this situation? "Please excuse me, Shinohara-san." You said and got up to go see if your mother was on her break.

After walking around for awhile in search of your mother, you sat in the cafeteria alone. It had been so long since Kaneki had been kidnapped. Touka hadn't said a word to you either. Anteiku had been closed, so you couldn't go there for information. All this was taking its toll on you. Was the white haired man Kaneki? He looked so different. Amon had said something in that moment, but you weren't sure what. You rested your head on the table. [L/N] [F/N] was tired and heartbroken. Your father was dead. Your boyfriend was missing. Amon got a new partner. What else could happen?

A few moments later you received a text from Takizawa. He was telling you to go to the meeting. "I don't want to meet her." You pouted then headed to the meeting room. Maybe you should ask for time off because of your father's death.

"Watch where you're going," a female voice said to you. You had accidentally bumped into a familiar woman. "I-I'm sorry!" You apologized quickly and bowed. "You must be Amon's other partner, [L/N]." She said then turned into the meeting room. You looked dumbstruck, but followed her into the room. She was Amon's new partner.

You sat idly beside Takizawa, who showed no form of respect for the new investigator. You kept your eyes down on your hands. Honestly, you didn't want to be here and watch yourself be replaced.

Amon gently touched your shoulder while making his way to his side of the table. You only faked a smile then looked down again. He wasn't such a bad guy. His Nike eyebrows could use some work.

The meeting went on with the woman introducing herself as Akira Mado. She was the daughter of the man you failed to save. She took over the meeting and bickered with Takizawa about ghouls in the 20th ward, Aogiri and a possible sub group. You tuned them out until Amon tapped on your shoulder.

"[Y/N], you should head home. You look a bit ill." Amon checked your temperature with the back of his hand. The look on his face said it wasn't good. "Go on. I'll come by later." He helped you up then you walked back to your office to grab your bag. You really did feel sick now. This morning you felt fine. You got your bag then headed home for the day. It was embarrassing that Amon acted so informal with you at work. The two of you hadn't done anything much outside of work. Just your father's burial and calling to check up on you.

The walk to the train station was brief, at least from what you remembered. Right now you were in bed. Struggling with a fever alone. At least that's what you thought.

"[Y/N]-Chan, why didn't you call me?" Kaneki placed a towel on your forehead to cool it down. Were you dreaming? "Don't worry. I'm right here. I love you even if you smell like him." You didn't know how to react. His hair was as white as snow. His eyes were shining and gray as always. His smile looked meek, but it was a smile full of love. The hand that gently touched your cheek felt so cold and foreign to you now. "Get some rest, [Y/N]-chan. I love you."

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