chapter 5

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Gerard's P.O.V.

"Where are we going Frankie?" I say. we have been driving for hours.

"A little cabin the school knows that I am watching over you and also something i didn't mention about the phone call is that Kyle escaped and the cops told me to hide you in this location. they think it is remote enough to be safe." I nod suddenly feeling like I am going to puke. He escaped, I am in danger again. "Gee are you okay, you look like you're going to pass out." I shake my head. "Okay just lay back baby. we only have another 15 minutes till we get there." he says and I lay back in my seat. he has one hand on the wheel the other on my knee.

I close my eyes unable to nap. We pull into a driveway with a cabin. The cabin is a lot bigger than I thought it was. "I'll grab the wheel chair." mike says and frank nods opening my door. He unbuckles me and picks me up putting me in the chair and pushing me up the ramp. The place is really fancy. "I am going to pick a room upstairs." Mikey says.

"The master bedroom is on the bottom floor so we shall share that," I nod.

"I want to take a nap can you take me to the room?" He nods and wheels me into the room and puts me on the bed. the bad is really comfortable and I can feel sleep come to me in seconds.

Frank's P.O.V.

Gerard falls a sleep and I leave the room. I go to the living. I sit there for about a half hour before I hear Gerard scream. I run to the room and He is thrashing in the bed saying please don't hurt me, and Frankie help. I go to him and hold on to him and he struggles in his sleep. "Gerard wake up, come one It's just me. Gerard its just a dream wake up." He finally opens his eyes. He holds on tight and starts sobbing in my shirt. I pet him and coo him. "Shh, it's just a dream. I hear shh." he finally calms down.

"Frankie it was Kyle he was stabbing me. you where tied up and passes out. There was blood so much blood. He killed mikey." He sobs and Mikey is standing in the door way. I assume he has for a while.

"He's fine Mikey it was just a nightmare." I say and Gerard looks at the door.

"Actually there is a cop at the door who wants to talk to all of us." I nod and Help Gerard to his chair. I roll him into the living room and then sit him on the couch.

"Okay I am sorry to say this but boys your mother died an hour ago she fell asleep with the head injury and she past." Gerard breaks down crying and I grab him and coo him. Mikey is just sitting there stunned. "Some more news we found have a lead on where the young boy who broke into your house is but we are not positive." I nod holding and rocking the crying Gerard. He suddenly grabs his leg and I get him his pain medication. He takes it. "Well I am going to get going let you mourn in peace." I nod and continue to hold Gerard. Gerard has fallen asleep and Mikey hasn't even blinked for twenty minutes.

"Mikey are you okay." He shakes his head then he finally breaks down. I move over to him and pat him on the back. when a random guy comes bursting in. I recognized him right away. "Ray! What are you doing here? God, I thought some one might try to hurt the boys again." I scream and Gerard stirs awake.

"Well Frank I was sent here to protect three people and they wouldn't tell me who. Would you mind telling me who the boys are."

"Gerard and Mikey Way there dad kicked them about a couple weeks ago. I took them in and when we thought they might actually be able to go home. We get sent here and then a cop stops by telling us there mother died do to head injuries. Oh yeah and I am dating Gerard. Oh yeah Mikey is my student, don't get mad but so is Gerard," I say and he looks up with no disgust.

"Are you happy with him do you love him?" I nod, "Then I won't make you guys separate but one thing he is of legal age right?" I nod.

"He'll be 19 in April." I say while petting his hair. He snuggles into me. I know he is crying even though I can't hear the sobs. "He was stabbed in the leg a the other day. the doctor said he can't walk for at least to weeks." I say.

"Frank whats going to happen to us?" Gerard mumbles into my neck right on my sweet spot.

"All I know is that you and Mikey are going to legally stay with me and I'll take care of you." I say Kissing his forehead he nods and slowly passes out.

"Frank I don't feel so good." Mikey says.

"What's wrong Mikes?"

"I don't know I just have a bad feeling in my gut." i nod Ray is asleep. We are silent for the next ten minutes till I hear Mikey snoring. I lay down and cuddle with Gerard he begins thrashing in his sleep and and struggling. He is having another night mare.

"Gerard wake up it's just a Dream. He bolts awake and Looks for me once he finds me he leaches on and cries into my shoulder. Ray stirs back awake.

"What's going on?" Ray asks tiredly.

"Gerard had a nightmare." He nods and sits up.

"Frank you look tired." I shake my head.

"I can't sleep I am too worried. A lot has happened and I don't want them getting hurt anymore." I say petting Gerard's hair in a calming way. He looks up at me with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I kiss his forehead.

"Frankie I want to go home. I don't like it here," Gerard says and I hug him close.

"We can't not yet anyway." I say cooing him.

"You guys are so cute together." Ray says and I nod. "He looks so vulnerable, also like if anyone but you touches him he'll have a breakdown."

"He's been through a lot and he is vulnerable. He has barely left my side since he moved with me." i say with no emotions.

"Frankie I feel dirty I want to shower" Gerard whispers just loud enough for me and ray to hear. I nod and lift him into his chair.

"This won't take long I gonna clean him." I say wheeling Gerard to the bathroom. he takes of his shirt and I pull down his pants and underwear. Pick him up and put him in the shower which has a seat. They thought everything out.

"Get in with me Frankie." He says I nod and undress. I get in start the water. He grips my hips. "Hold me up." I pick him up in a standing position. He kisses my lips and I kiss back. "Okay sit me down and let's get cleaned up." I nod and grab the shampoo I squirt it into his hair. I massage his scalp and he moans.

"You like hair pulling baby." he nods and I continue. I wash it out of his hair. I get the body wash and hear a moan. I turn around and gerard is palming himself. I pour soup on a loofah and hand it to him I let him wash his body while I shampoo and rinse. I continue to hear him moan and I am getting a it turned on. I turn around and he is climaxing. He leans back letting the water hit him. "You ready to get out baby?" I ask and he nods. I turn off the water grab a towel for him and one for me. I put him in his towel and sit him in his wheelchair.I wheel him out and ray is waiting for us.

"What did you guys do I heard moaning.?" I laugh and Gerard blushes.

"I didn't do shit he decided that it would be nice to jack off while I cleaned off." I say playing with his hair.

Ray nods and walks away. I take Gerard to our room and lay him on the bed. He is asleep with in seconds. I lay next to him and he curls against me. I fall asleep not long after.

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