The mute girl (vampire/witch story) - Chapter five

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Today I was going shopping with Cheryl after school for my welcome ball. We sat at the cafeteria today Drake, Kale and Clive were there. Drake and Clive were busy glaring t each other, I was talking with Kale and Ron while Cheryl was busy with her phone, doesn’t she ever get tired of it.

“All of us are going?” I asked Cheryl.

“Yes, except for Drake and Clive of course.” She winked at me. I forced a smile on my face.

“Does this ball involve any dancing?” she looked at me like I’m crazy.

“Of course, what’s ball with no dance?” she said. I don’t like this girl.

“Are you going for the ball too?” I asked Clive.

“Yup, I was invited…you wanna be my date?” he smirked.

“She already has a date and that’s me.” Drake said. He rolled his eyes.

He rolled his eyes. “Of course we know she’s going to be your date.”

“So when are we leaving?” Ron asked.

“We can leave now.” Cheryl said her eyes not leaving her phone.

“No I have chemistry.”

“So? Can’t you miss it for a day?” she said. I gave her a crazy look.

The bell rang; Kale and I went to the study hall for math tutoring. We sat down on our chairs.

“Cheryl is such a diva.” He chuckled.

“Well she grew up in royalty that’s why she is like that…and if you haven’t noticed, she’s the most popular girl in school.”

“So is Drake?” he nodded.

We did our work. The rest of the day went fast. I was walking with Kale to the parking lot, when someone kissed my cheek.

“See you later, love.” Drake said and walked away. Girls were glaring at me.

“What was that for?” I asked Kale.

“Just Drake being Drake.” He shrugged.

I saw Clive at the parking lot staring at me, he smiled when our eyes made contact and waved at me, I waved back.

We entered the car; I was sitting in the back seat with Kale. Ron was driving and Cheryl was sitting on the passenger’s seat. It was a bit of a long ride, on the way I played video games with Kale.

“We are here.” Cheryl squealed.

We got out of the car; Ron didn’t because he had to park the car. We entered this shop full of dresses. We searched but nothing amazed me yet.

“Come on Stacy, there must be a dress you like.” Cheryl complained. I rolled my eyes.

“We haven’t tried other shops yet.” Kale said. I nodded in agreement.

My stomach growled, Kale and Ron laughed and I blushed.

“Let’s get some food in your systems.” Kale wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Don’t you need blood?” he chuckled.

“I drink two bottles every morning.”

We went to the nearest fast food. I ate chicken nuggets with soda, Kale and Ron took fries with soda while Cheryl just took a milkshake.

After eating, we went to another shop; it didn’t have many fancy dresses. As we were shopping I felt eyes on me but when I turn I see no one, these stupid vampires can’t they leave me alone? I looked around the store till one dress, just one, caught my eye. A blue strapless dress. I smiled as took it; I went to the changing room. I fitted perfectly, I checked myself in the mirror. Perfect. I stripped out of the dress then went out; I saw Kale then went to him.

The mute girl (vampire/witch story) - (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now