The mute girl (vampire/witch story) - Chapter one

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“Honey don’t forget.” My mom said. “The name is Kale.” I nodded. I’m not that dumb to forget the name she has been saying all the way to school. I got out of car.

“Bye.” She said I waved at her as she drove away.

I stood there staring at the big gates in front of me. I don’t like to moving, my parents and I just moved here last week and today is the first of day school. This place is too cold and I’m so nervous, what if I don’t make any friends and everyone is making fun of me as the freak girl.

There was a guard there who opened the gate for me. I nodded in way of saying thank you, he nodded back too. I slowly entered the school. There were no kids in sight so I guess classes already started. I looked for the office until I saw the guard from earlier, he pointed to my right and I saw the office. I smiled at him; walked to the office door I pushed it open. I saw the receptionist; she was in her late twenties. When she saw me, she smiled.

“you must be the new student.” She said. I nodded.

She handed me schedule and locker number and combination. “wait, I will walk you to your class.” She said and stood up. I followed her down the hallway.

“if you need help in anything…” she looked at me. “…don’t hesitate to come to me okay?” I nodded.

“well here we are.” We stood in front of a brown door written M22. She opened the door for me and I saw the teacher. He stopped teaching when he saw me.

“I’ll be going now, see you around.” I looked at her name tag ‘Clarisse’ and she left.

I entered the class room quietly; I felt eyes on me as I kept my head down. I gave the teacher my slip.

“class we have a new student, Stacy Bradley.” He introduced me to the class, I still had my head down while the class chorused ‘hi’ and ‘hello’.

“why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself.” He said. I waved my hand in a way of saying ‘no I’m okay’.

“don’t be shy.” He said. I sighed but no voice came out only my breath. I opened my bag and pulled out my eBook and wrote down.

I’m dumb.” I wrote.

He eyes widened as he read it. “w-well I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know.” He apologized. The whole class seemed curious to what it is that I wrote.

He cleared his throat. “class, I would like you to make Stacy very comfortable in any way you can because…” he paused. “…she is dumb.” The whole class gasped. The teacher gestured for me to take a seat. My eyes went around for any empty seat and I saw one next to this guy with black, smooth looking hair and blue eyes staring at me with his eyes widened.

I took the seat. I pulled out my books, I hate math.

“Stacy, I’m sure you did this stuff at your previous school.” The teacher said pointing at the stuff on the board. I looked at it carefully then nodded; I felt my eyes on me. This is so uncomfortable.

At least on my previous school when I became dumb people weren’t staring at me that much, they just ignored me and I’m used to that.

The teacher continued with his lesson until the guy next to me spoke. “Hi I’m kale.” He whispered. I raised an eyebrow, so he’s Kale.

I nodded then wrote. “my mom talked to me about you.”

“yea, she talked to me too.” He said looking at the board pretending to follow what the teacher is saying.


“because I’m your body guard starting from today.” He smiled.

“why? I don’t need one.” I frowned.

“we can’t talk about this here.” The bell went. I gathered my stuff and walked out.

I looked at my schedule, I don’t were my next lesson is.

“follow me.” Kale said “we have all the classes together.”

I looked at him. “how do you know?”

He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “because your parents made us have the same subjects, so that I can protect you.”

There was something about Kale that I can’t place. I followed him anyway I didn’t have a choice.

We went for our next lesson, the all school already heard about me being dumb. We had English, I felt eyes on me but this time the feeling was different like it wasn’t human. I felt that too when Kale is staring at me. I looked behind me saw brown eyes boring at me, I turned away.

“Kale who is that guy staring at me?” I asked

He looked behind and chuckled. “That’s Drake.”

“is there a reason why he is staring at me?”

“yes there is but we can’t talk about it here.” I nodded and paid attention to what the teacher is saying but I still felt his eyes on me.

At lunch time I sat with Kale, I saw Drake staring me. Can he stop it? He sat a few tables away from ours and had girls on his table, drooling over him. So I guess he must be the most popular guy in school, well he’s hot. Many people passed by our table and they would always glance at me, some would glare at me and some would give me weird looks, those I don’t blame them because my hair is black and white, I love it. But for those glaring at me, what did I do?

“can we talk about it now?” I asked curiously.

Kale shook his head. “first I have to talk to your parents then we can talk.”

“what does this have to do with my family?”

“everything.” He replied I wanted to ask more but he took my eBook.

“sorry but I can’t answer for the moment.” I nodded and he gave me back my eBook. I finished eating my food.

“so is Drake the most popular guy in school?” he nodded and continued eating his food.

The rest of the day went fast but I was still annoyed that Drake would stare at me all the time. We share two classes together, I sighed in relief for that.

“I’ll give your ride home.” He said. I wanted to tell him that my mom will pick me but he spoke first.

“your mom called and told me to take you home…” he paused. “I’ll be picking you every day and dropping you back home.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“you keep telling yourself that.” He said with a smile.

Seriously I don’t need one, I can defend myself. I’ve been practicing but obviously they don’t know that. I need a car of my own but my parents won’t let me.

We entered his car and drove me home. I said goodbye then ran into the house as soon as I closed the door, two heads came out of the kitchen.

“hey bear.” Dad hugged me. “how was school?”

I shrugged. “it was fine I met Kale he helped me out but there is this guy named Drake he kept on staring at me.”

“you met Drake?” mom asked. I gave her questioning look, she knows him? But I nodded.

“can somebody tell me what is going on? And how you know Drake and why I need a bodyguard?

“well honey I’m glad your day went well but… why don’t you go freshen up then come down for dinner.” mom said, I protested. “honey can we talk about this tomorrow?” dad said. I nodded and ran upstairs. I can ask them questions later.

The mute girl (vampire/witch story) - (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now