Chapter 3 The truth unfolds

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I walked into the moon dorms and went to Aurora's room I opened the door and she was laid on the bed her eyes shot open and she looked at me.
"You kissed Senri!."
"Yeah well you kissed Yuki."
"What when did I eve-."
"I seen you I watched you I followed you Kaname I watched you talking to her I watched how close you were I seen you kiss her and you have the guts to lie in front of my face that you were at meetings!!!!!."
"I followed you Kaname I never thought you would lie to me or do anything behind my back but I guess I was wrong I wanted to believe it wasn't true but I seen it I was going to confront you but I just couldn't do it I was hoping you would tell me the truth and admit it but no you lied to me to hide it if I never seen you this would have went on for months!!!."
"Aurora that was a mistake!."
"Oh really!!."
"Yes really!!!."
I watched her stand up and looked out the window.
"I love you and no one else I know yo-."
"You don't know me!!!."
With that she pushed past me and walked out I heard the door slam and I couldn't smell her scent anymore.


"He has no clue who he's messing with!."
I stormed to the balcony I went up and seen Yuki she looked at me with sorry eyes but I turned away.
"Wheres Angel and Levi?."
She didn't answer she just stayed quite.
"I'm not sure they went somewhere."
"Thank you."
I ran to Senri's dorm I knocked on the door and he answered it straight away his eyes widened but he moved to the side to let me in I walked in and he shut the door I walked and stood near the window.
"Is something wrong?."
"No matter what happened between the four of us I still need you to protect Yuki."
"What do you mean the four of us?."
"You know what I mean?."
"I don't."
I looked up at the moon and let out a sigh.
"You love Yuki, Yuki loves Kaname and you, Kaname loves Yuki and me and I love Kaname."
"So you don't love me like I love you?."
My eyes widened 'He loves me?.' I turned to him.
"And what about if I said I do?."
"Then I'll say I love you too."
"I do love you Senri but I don't know you that well to say I love you more then Kaname."
"What you've knew me longer?."
"Maybe but me and Kaname sat down one night and told each other nearly everything before we started dating but yet despite all the years I've known you I only know your name and that your a nobel vampire that's all I know."
He clenched his fists I walked in front of him I read his mind 'Did that kiss mean nothing to you Aurora?.' I got a little shock 'He's thinking of the kiss...' I smiled.
"It did."
I walked passed him and walked back to my dorm. When I got there I seen Kaname and Yuki she looked at me then put her head down I laughed and walked passed.
"Have a nice life together."
"Aurora I-."
"You know I should have guessed it Kaname saying he had a meeting nearly every night Yuki disappearing when I was talking to her or like how when we went shopping and I brought up Kaname in the conversation Yuki wouldn't shut up about him."
I walked upstairs and went to the dorm 'No more I opened up for you never again no one will break me.' I left the door open I put on a straight face I put a song on called cheaten and telling me lies I blasted it I did it on purpose I turned and seen Kaname standing there I smirked but I couldn't help but feel betrayed.
"I opened up to you because of you, but now you've hurt me."
My smirked dropped.
"No more."
I whispered.
"Aurora I-."
He came in the room I didn't move.
"This is all just a big misunderstanding."
I laughed.
"Yeah when I seen you myself."
I seen Angel behind Kaname.

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