Chapter 11 Her whisper is the Lucifer

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I walked to the window while Ayato was still sat on the couch.
"Aurora are you thinking what I'm thinking?."
"That we should pay him a visit?."
He smirked and nodded I just returned the smirk.
"Well shall we."
"We shall."
We made the illusion to the mansion even though everyone could see us we didn't care Angel looked confused.
"Yes Auro-."
He froze when he seen Ayato and I smirked.
"Why are you here?."
"I'm with Aurora as you can see."
"We're going back Sebastian."
"Back where?."
"Home? That's not home."
"No *sigh* it was just a place I was born."
"Why are you going back?."
"The person who calls himself a father sent Ayato to come and get me because we have to go back."
"So why are you here?."
"For the love of hell what are you?."
"Excuse me?."
"Oh my..."
I stared at Sebastian and could feel myself getting upset not angry like usual but upset.
"Nothing lets go Ayato."
"Right behind you."
I went to walk away Sebastian tried to grab my hand but I just shook him off then disappeared from there and went to the place I was born the place I call home which is hell....
"Are you sure about this?."
"Can't turn back now."
We walked until we got to the gate of hell the gate that separates hell from heaven and earth the gate I created.
"M-my qu-queen."
I growled slightly the gate opened and Ayato grabbed onto my hand and turned me to face him.
"Whatever happens I'll be there beside you or behind you but I won't be going anywhere just don't lose it out there got it."
"Got it but no promises."
"Of course not."
He let out a sigh and let go of my hand I smirked but when I turned back I panicked 'Even if it's just for a little while once I cross this gate none of the night class are going to think it me.' I sighed and stepped over the invisible line there was a bright light I managed to keep myself from turning into the angel I walked along demons and demon hounds and other demon like creatures that were there stopped everything they were doing to bow or curtsy a lot said there greetings and I said them back and smiled I carried on walking until I got to a mansion my mansion 'Home.' I grunted and opened the gate I walked up to the door and knocked I looked back and Ayato smiled I give a gentle smile back the door opened and I looked at my old butler Peter.
"My lady welcome home we've been expecting you."
"No surprise."
He held the door open and I walked in and looked around it was still all the same the maids and butlers were standing across the banisters and on the stairs and even at the bottom of the stairs this mansion is huge but there's no need for how many people work here but I can't complain.
"Welcome home young mistress."
They all spoke at the same time it went all silent I heard the door close I looked around and smiled.
"It's good to be back now if you'll excuse me."
They all smiled and went back to work I looked around yet again everything was the as before nothing was changed the tiles on the stairs were a nice shade of red some how not to bright but not dark I still wonder how they got the tiles back then but didn't question it the same flooring throw out the whole downstairs passage until you get to the kitchen and living room and others even upstairs is the same my eyes went back to the top of the stairs and landed on the picture that hung on the wall it was a picture of my mam and dad when they were younger I smiled slightly.
"You and Angel look just like her."
I turned to Peter again and smiled.
"You have the personality of your parents and Angel has the personality of you auntie and uncle."
I smirked and walked up the stairs with Ayato behind me I got to the top of the stairs and stopped.
"On Peter do you mind bringing me and Ayato some tea."
"Certainly my lady."
"Thank you."
I carried on walking until I got to my study/bedroom I remember the key I carry around and took it out of my blaze pocket and unlocked the door.
"I wondered where that key went."
"I always have it with me."
We walked in I shut the door I went over to the desk and sat down.
"If no one has been in here for years why is it so clean?."
"Peter he has a spare key but he is the only one allowed to enter when I am not around."
"Reason been?."
I smirked.
"So reasons are best unsaid."
"By that look yes they are."
I chuckled.
"Shall we play a game of chess like the old days?."
"Yes that would be great."
I stood up and got the chess board out and placed it on the desk I sat down and a knock came on the door.

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