Chapter 8 Break the spell

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"Senri oh Senri~"
I heard a Aurora's voice she was talking in a sing song tone.
I opened my eyes and she stood above me with a weak smile on her face.
"Time to get up we will be going to class so-."
I cut her off I pulled on her arm down and kissed her her eyes widened but soon closed I closed mine she kissed back after a couple of minutes we parted.
"What was that for?."
"Just to tell you I love you too."
"What when did I eve-"
"You said it when you were asleep."
She went bright red but smiled and pulled me in for another kiss when we parted she winked then walked out the room I smiled then got up and got dressed I walked out the room and went down I stood next to Aurora she smiled I could see Kaname glaring but I ignored him.


I put my hand on my stomach and suddenly felt sick 'Do I feel sick or is it thirst?.' My stomach hurt and I thought I was gonna throw you.
"Hey Aurora are you okay?."
"Yeah just feel a little sick."
Senri put his hand on my forehead.
"Aurora your burning up."
"Is it possible for vampires to even get fevers?."
"You've got to think she's more then a vampire."
"Did you say I was burning up."
"Really I'm freezing."
"Aurora go and get some rest."
"No I'm fine I can-"
"Kaname tell her."
Kaname walked over a little.
"Aurora go and get some rest."
I walked up the stairs and went to my dorm I could hear all the day class girls screaming the boys names I waited until all the sound when down then fell asleep.


I heard my door open and then close I opened my eyes and seen Kaname he sat down we were silent just staring at each other for about an hour I turned over and tried to go back to sleep until Kaname snaked his arms round me.
"What are you-"
He moved his head to my neck and ran his tough over it I shivered I heard a chuckle then I was moved so Kaname was above me before I could say anything he leaned down and sunk his fangs into my neck I arched my back.
"K-Kaname what the hell do you think your doing stop it!."
I moved my arms and he pinned them down before I had time to drag them away.
"Please stop."
I tried to push him a way but I could feel all my energy leaving me after a couple of minutes he moved away.
"Aurora bite me."
I looked into his now red eyes he let go of my wrists and rested his arms beside my head and leaned caging me but making sure not to put any pressure on me. He put his head near my ear and moved his hair from his neck I smelt his blood and I was more hungry then I've ever been.
"Aurora you need blood now."
"I know what your doing your trying to clam me as your mate."
He chuckled.
"You know you want to bite."
I couldn't keep control I sunk my fangs into his neck but quick and painful he grunted I smirked I could feel my energy coming back when I was satisfied I pushed him away and stood up then wiped my mouth.
"Just to say I can get Sebastian to brake this mate thing."
His eyes widened I smirked then walked out.


I stood around the corner and watched Aurora walk out the room and walk my way I seen a smirk.
"I'm weak unacceptable."
She passed out but I court her before she hit the floor I picked her up and carried her to the class room I walked in and Angel shot up.
"What did you do to her?!!!."
"I did nothing why would I want to hurt my queen?."
"I told Levi to keep the pack out of this."
"I only listen to Aurora no one else."
"And I told Angel to tell Levi to keep the pack out of my life."
"B-but my queen why?."
"Why? Because you expect to know everything I do and plus I'm with the vampires now and wolves and vampire do not get along."
All I felt was anger but even though I was angry I couldn't hurt her I set her down on a chair gently then walked to the window and opened it.
"Len please don't be angry."
I turned to face her she kept a straight face and I did the same but she nodded and I nodded back.


She can break the spell my eyes widened 'How I'm I meant to keep her with me is she does that... No I can't allow it I will not let her leave me.' I walked to the class room I walked in everyone turned I looked at Aurora she looked half asleep.
"Hey Angel I need you to promise me something."
"What's that?."
"In the next four hours that I'm asleep I want you to leave and go to the pack they need a leader and that has to be you."
"But I-I."
She smiled weakly then passed out Angel court her.
"Oh dear it seems little sisters lost to much blood."
There was a bright light then Sebastian was there he walked over and picked her up.
"Big brother your not going to take her there she hates it."
"No she'll be fine here as she said she'll be asleep for four hours but I do need to do that thing to make sure she's okay and her memories haven't completely come back because then all hell would break lose."
"But big brother she's a murder it's what she is."
"But she doesn't like it."
He walked out the room holding her I looked at Senri and he glared but then turned away 'She's mine Senri and she always will be no matter what.' I looked at Angel she glared at me.
"Just to say he'll find out what you did to her and if it was that bond thing he'll brake it."
Senri stood up and ran out Angel walked out I was stood frozen I looked at everyone else they seemed surprised but carried on whatever they were doing I walked over to my chair and sat down I looked out the window and seen Zero and Yuki talking 'I'm losing.' I carried on staring out the window.


I took her into her dorm and laid her on the bed suddenly the door bursted up and it was another vampire that looked a little like that pureblood.
"Senri Shiki."
"Your fine then."
He went and sat on the chair next to the bed I looked over Aurora and broke the mate thing that vampires do I looked at Senri and he was holding her hand.
"When she wakes up I want you to do that mate thing straight away."
"But what if she hates me after?."
"Fine but keep her with you at all times don't let her out of your sight and gain her trust quick."
I transported back to the manor 'He seems like someone I can trust.' I walk to the young masters office.

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