Chapter 6- The Newest

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Anticipation was buliding up inside of him as he watched the rest of the clan gather around. His white tail, which had a grey and brown specks, was neatly curled over his paws. A couple cats began to arrive, and he kept his eyes out for his friend, Sandypaw.

The clan assembled under fallenlog, but he didn't see Sandypaw anywhere. He shrugged it off, and adverted his attention back to the cats on fallenlog.

"Cats of Dustclan, we are gathered here today to announce the arrival of this new cat. Very few of you may already know a bit of what has happened. I would like to start out by saying he is 8 moons old, and no clan should let such a young cat out, wandering by himself expecally with the arrival of chilly-frost. It was of his interest to be joining our clan."

'Joining?' Thistlepaw was surprised. ' We were supposed to chase him out! He's an intruder! How are they so welcoming of a cat that was a monster when we first met him!' Feeling a little bit of rage, he decided to stay quiet and listen to the leader, who continued.

Whitestar turned to Fang. "Fang, we have discussed the importance of being a member of the clan. You also understand the importance of changing your name. From now on, your name will be Fangpaw. May Starclan accept your new name and guide you through clan life." Turning back to the rest of the clan, she mewed, "I hope you all will be accepting of our newest cat, Fangpaw. As we all know, our warriors are kept busiy with mentoring a cat of their own. For this reason., I will be Fangpaw's mentor." Turning back to Fangpaw, she mewed, 'Fangpaw, will you leave your independent history behind and begin a new life in Dustclan?"

"Yes." He replied. He didn't sound nervous at all.

The two cats touched noses, and Whitestar moved out of the way. Thistlepaw noticed his silver pelted dad began by chanting, Fangpaw! Fangpaw!" and the rest of the clan joined. Thistlepaw didn't mew a word. He wasn't sure of what to think about it, but his sister was chanting Fangpaw's new name, too, just like the rest of the clan had when he was apprenticed.

"Sunhigh has slipped away, and silver pelt is revaled to us, to watch over us. The clan may disperse." Mewed the deptuy, Thunderclaw. The three cats hopped down from fallenlog.

Thistlepaw turned around, and his white-pelted sister had already padded away. With a yawn, he began his way to the apprentice's bush.

Inside, he found his sister was already making herself comfortable, next to Sandypaw. He crawled over and layed between the two of them, pushing his sister aside. She didn't fight back.

The room grew dark, and black. there was two glowing eyes, evil but looking golden. He ran up to the light, but suspected something was wrong. Suddenly, a huge warped cat lurched itself toward him, a face stareing at something behind him. The monster, with its toothly jaw moving, screeched, "SANDYPAW!"

Thistlepaw's eyes shot open, ready to protect his shy friend. Realizing it was only her sister, Honeyfur, he relaxed.

"Oh, hi Honeypaw." Sandypaw mewed quietly and sleepily.

Thistlepaw wondered how fast he fell alseep. 'How did I do that?' He began to feel proud of himself. With the heebie-jeebies of his dream slowly fadeing away and being replaced with something greater, he began to snooze again.

The next time he opened his eyes, his sister was standing over him, and so was Sandypaw.

"C'mon, mousebrain! We have to get moving again for training!" Ivypaw prodded his face.

"Thistlepaw knocked Ivypaw's paw out of the way, and jumped to his feet. "Hello." He mewed to the two of the cats, and the three of them made their way out the den. He could tell the day was early, and the soft white specks began softly desending to earth. A couple of warriros were already begining their way down to earth. He found his mother, chatting to his father. Thistlepaw walked up to the two.

Mossymist turned her head, her brown muzzle smiling as the warming golden colored eyes looked at him. "You ready to start your training?"

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