Chapter 5- What Now?

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"Well, come over. Can any of you three tell me where I might be?" The massive black figure asked. 

'He doesn't sound threatening...' Ivypaw padded closer, right next to her brother. She knew what she had to do- chase off intruders. 'But how do we chase off a cat like this? He's amost like an adult.' She thought. A vision popped in her mind of how she could do it, and being awarded as a warrior to such an enormus cat like this one.

"You're in Dustclan territory." Thistlepaw answered. "You... you're not supposed to be here. You should leave now." 

"Leave? But I just got here! I need to know where I am. I've been wandering forever."

Ivypaw swallowed. "We already told you. You're in Dustclan territory, and you have to leave." Ivypaw wished she had some other cat with her. This cat just won't leave.

"Why do I? This doesn't belong to you! Who tells you these things?" The black cat demanded. 

Ivypaw tried her hardest to stand tall and not let this enemy win. Our mentors tell us to because they say it's part of the warrior code."

"Oh, do they, now. Bring me to them." He demaned. She took a gulp and looked at her brother for advice. 'What now? We shouldn't take this cat deeper into our territory, not to the heart of the clan!' He seemed to nod, but even if he did, it would have been ever so slightly. Ivypaw turned around and began walking away, showing this black cat his way to Whitestar. She felt her head hang low to the frosty ground, and every pawstep closer to the camp made her worry grow.

Ivypaw glanced at her brother once more. He looked very unsure of what to do. The four cats made their way all the way to Small Rock, when a silvery-gray tom rushed over.

"Who is this cat you have with you?" Seafang demanded to his kits.

Ivypaw stared at the scar on his right leg. Thistlepaw mewed, "This cat wants to see Whitestar. We were going to bring him to her."

Seafang looked at the black cat. Ivypaw noticed he didn't looked worried at all, and he glared at the cat who was behind him like as if he were challenging him. "Not so fast. Who are you?" He asked the intruder.

The black cat came up from behind Ivypaw. Now that the two cats were side to side, the black one wasn't so huge anymore. He was regular sized, except very puffy. Ivypaw felt relif flood over her, certain her father would chase away this cat. The black cat answered Seafang's question. "I've been wandering around the forest for quite some time now. Please don't give me trouble. I'm lost, hungry, and I would really like to find a better place for me to stay."

Seafang asked again. "Who are you?" Ivypaw heard an annoyed mew come from her father. Maybe she could slip away and the cats will forget to ask how they managed to find a cat like this one. Slowly, Ivypaw began to back away.

"You want my name? I don't know. I've been traveling around for a while. Call me Fang." Fang sat down. 'Sounds too friendly to me.' Ivypaw thought. She still continued to back away, though this time moved slowly to her father's side, to try to leave his veiw and run.

"And why would you want to see Whitestar?"

"I must discuss important matters with her." Fang mewed, then stood up. "And before you say anything, I think I should go to find your leader right now." He began padding away, to a random direction. Seafang went after him. "You can't do that!" He hissed. Ivypaw signaled for Thistlepaw and Sandypaw to follow her before anything gets nasty.

 Padding around in the camp, Sandypaw began with a mew. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for doing that?"

Thistlepaw replied. "I don't think we did anything wrong. It was just a simple hunt for fresh-kill."

"Yeah, and besides, we could just say we wanted to help out the clan, maybe get a frew extra training by ourselves because we wanted to see what we could do." Ivypaw added.

The three cats heard another cat's pawsteps in the back. Ivypaw turned her head, and saw the cat was Briskstorm, jumping towards them."

"Hey cats! Hello my apprentice!" She stopped in front of the three cats. "What have you been up to recently? I've been wondering what you guys might do, because it must be so boring not having the privledges of a warriror!"

Ivypaw started at her mentor. "Gee, thanks." 

"Well, what have you been up to?" Almost like as if she were to explode, Briskstorm hopped again, to Sandypaw, then bounced back to her apprentice.

"Walking around, basically thinking about becoming a warrior." Thistlepaw answered. "I can't wait for that moment."

"But you just became an apprentice! There are still some fun things with being an apprentice!"

"You just said it was bor-" Ivypaw was cut off by her mentor.

"Many fun things!" She mewed, then half scurried and hopped away. Thistlepaw turned to Ivypaw. "Should we go see what's happing to Fang?"

"No, it seemed like we shouldn't have been there when daddy was challenging Fang like he did. I don't think we should go back."

"But don't you want to know what happens?" Thistlepaw begged.

"I think we all know what will happen. Clearly, Fang will be chased away if he isn't already and eventually everyone will forget about him.

"But don't you want to know?"

Ivypaw sighed. "Okay, fine, I'll go with you. But you should also know you don't need me with you." Thistlepaw didn't say anything else. He began padding towards the leader's den.

"I think I'm going to go inside the apprentice's den. If we have nothing else to do, I don't think I should stay."

Ivypaw didn't have to mew anything. Sandypaw already left and padded away. Ivypaw caught up with her brother who fell ahead of her. "What do you think is going to happen?" He asked his sister.

"I'm not sure, but I hope it's going to be interesting. I wonder what he wants from Whitestar."| She replied. The two cats neared in on the leader's den, which was a fallen tree. The leaders and deputies sleep in the branches, and when it's raining, they would squeeze under the log. Ivypaw crouched low to the ground, trying to see what was going on, and still trying to remain hidden. Fang was definitally there, and he and Whitestar were discussing something, their faces looked like it was very serious. Her father wasn't with the two- instead, it was the brown tabby deputy, Thunderstorm.

"Very well. I will tell the clan immediately." Said Whitestar. She stood up, but was held back by something. It was hard to see through some of the branches. 

"Are you sure we want to let this happen? We might not be able to keep up our clan if we let him do this!" Thunderstorm mewed.

"Thunderstorm, I'm sure. We shouldn't let him wander by himself, not untill newleaf. It will be fine." Whitestar began to make her way out of the den. "Both of you- follow me. We're going up to fallen log."

Ivypaw backed away, and walked off. She padded behind a tree, out of sight of the three adults. She heard her brother follow. When he was close enough, she mewed to him, "Let's stay here untill she calls the meeting. We'll be the first ones there!"

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