I'm only doing vikk once since he is in both groups! ;3 Until next time!
The Pack
Mitch: You two have been friends for a while and you guys are heading back home for the holidays. When you both arrive he takes you to the place you two first met and kisses you in the snow to show his affection and asks you to be his date mate (you never know! It could be a boy or girl ;).)
Jerome: He is raging in a game because you keep winning and half way through the last game he says "you know that I love you right? So will you be mine?" And it startled you and he ends up winning. Both the game and your heart!
Rob: You were walking home from work when you decide to explore a bit and end up in a field of flowers. It reminds you so much of your best friend/crush Rob so you decide to call him. When he picks up he immediately says that he has something important to tell you and he ends up telling you all of his feelings and you confess too! He then asks you were you are and to pick a beautiful flower and to turn around. After a few minutes you found the perfect flower and you turned around and right behind you rob was standing with a bouquet of flowers and asks you to be his girlfriend.
Vikk: You and Josh are cousins and while visiting him while you were on holiday you noticed a smaller guy who you instantly liked and you two ended up talking for a few years and he asked you out by painting his face and a helmet with "date me?" And obviously you couldn't refuses helmet boy!
Preston: You just moved into your apartment in Texas and your neighbor was atrociously loud. So you went over to ask him to quite down when he opened the door you asked him to and he surely agreed. After a few months of living there you got to know your new neighbor you developed a crush. In the afternoon he was getting a bit loud and you heard him talking about you to his friend and you heard that he like you so you knocked on his door and told him "I'm really glad you weren't quite when you said you liked me" then you winked and walked away. The next day you found a note on your door asking you to dinner on a date. You accepted and after the date he took you to a tiny park and asked you out.
Lachlan: You were working at chipotle in Florida since you had just moved there with a few of your good friends. They had YouTube that had helped them but you didn't. A customer had appeared and you could tell he was different. He was tall and had stunning blue eyes with gorgeous blonde hair. You instantly were in love. You slipped him a note inside of his chip bag having written your number on it telling him to text you at 5:00. 5:00 rolled around and you had gotten a text. You 2 texted for a while and actually hung out a few times too! You found out about his YouTube career and about his roommates! You 2 were taking a stroll down to the pier when he just suddenly tells you that he likes you a lot and you being you brought him down to your height and kisses him and said "couldn't have said it better my self babe".The Sidemen
Harry: You were invited to a guys birthday by your childhood friend Vikk. You 2 got to the party and you instantly noticed it was going to be crazy. You don't really like wild party's so you decided to be antisocial and sit outside. Harry comes around and notices you and you 2 start to talk. You found out it was his party since his birthday was that day and he was being completely ignored except for you. You exchanged numbers and texted everyday. He invited you over to have pizza and watch Netflix but when you got there, there were a few notes scattered around the place each saying what he loved about you. You then see him on the couch with his famous blue jumper on holding a pizza box open with writing that says "will you be my girlfriend? Or is this to cheesy?" Of course you said yes and you 2 cuddled and ate pizza for the rest of the night.
Simon: You were practicing football because football tryouts were on Saturday and you needed to make the team to earn your scholarship. You see one boy there also practicing. You walk up to him and asked if he wanted to practice together and maybe sometime in the near future. He said yes and you 2 started kicking the ball back and forth. After a while of practicing you went to get water. When you came back you noticed a little note and a trail of soccer balls leading to behind the shed where all the balls are held. You read the note and it says "I know we haven't known each other for long but I feel a connection between us. Follow the balks for a hint at what I'm trying to say ;)" you follow the balls and end up behind the shed and before you know it you were pulled into kiss. He asked you by saying "be the Neymar to my Messi?" And of course you said yes. (I really hope I got this right. If not tell me?)
Josh: You and josh are best friends. One day he left a note on your desk that was cute and sweet. It read "hello! So I was to nervous to say this in person but I really like you and I was wondering if you would want to go out? If so meet me at our usual hangout. -Joshy" you walked to the usual hangout and there he was with a rose in hand and a box of chocolates that say be mine on them.
Ethan: you were at the hospital waiting for your shift to end when a giggly guy enters the building. He asked if he could see his friend hair who had gotten hurt in a "chair" accident. You had guided him to the room and after about 20 minutes he comes back out and slips you a note. He said "thanks love" and leaves. You open the note and on it was a number and a sentence saying "if you want my giggly self text me and we could arrange a proper date, don't forget if you text your my girl now!" You texted him right away saying "let's set up that date. I wanna hear that giggle again!"
JJ: you were walking down the street when you saw a music video being filmed (it's Lamborghini by JJ) and you almost got away but a guy ran up behind you and said "nope! You're going to be in this video cause you're pretty cute!" He then kissed you and dragged you to the set.
Tobi: You were at Thorpe Park with a group of friends. You had wanted to go on a pretty tall roller coaster and all your friends chickened out. On your way to get there you met this guy who was heading to the same ride. You decided to ask if he had wanted to ride together and he said sure while all his friends awed in the background. After the ride he had said something that out butterflies in your stomach. He had said "wow. That ride gave me joy ride for sure but it wasn't as good as when I first met you." He then quickly covered his mouth which you had uncovered and told him you liked him too! He asked if you wanted to go on the ride again and before the drop he asked you out. On the way down you screamed yes!

The SidePack book
RandomThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!