Hey guys! It's Dean back with hopefully another chapter. So hopefully y'all like this chapter because some parts of it are based off of what I went through but I dunno. Anyways! I'm hopefully back! Updates will obviously be slower due to reasons. I will tell you about what happened in an authors noted in the soon to near future. Also there's stuff about Merome at the end and u was wondering if y'all would want to have a oneshot on that? Tell me in the comments or something. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Until next time.
Ps. I know the media has nothing to do with poofless. I just like this photo.Ship: Poofless
Word count: 770
Type: just emotional,Preston's point of view.
One. Two. Three. One. two. three. One two. three. One.
I walking up around the hospital room counting just those numbers. I move up next.
One. Two. Three. Four. And I repeat those numbers and I keep moving up till I get to ten. I stop there."Preston? It's time for your Mental therapy. I'm glad you are up and moving but you need to head to your class. Maybe it will work today." The nurse says. I've never seen him before. He must be new. I continue counting in my head until I reach The office.
"Hi Dr. Dunn. I'm ready for my therapy today. Can we just hurry up with it? This person is coming to see me. Apparently he was my Best friend. I don't know. It's whatever." I say as I plop down in the seat.
Our session goes on as usual. He shows me pictures and videos and other stuff to jog my memory and it doesn't work."Goodbye Preston. I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe you might remember when seeing this guy. Have a good day. And you have a group meeting at 4:30. It's 3:00 so you have time to spare but don't forget the group." I walk out of her office and back to my room.
"Hey Pressy. It's me! Robby. Don't know if you remember me." This tall guy says with a Canadian accent. He has short brown hair and a beard. He kind of reminds me of that guy who sings hot line bling. My mind drifts off as he keeps talking.
"So. Pressy how's life at the hospital been?" He asks me. I look up to him taking in his features finally.
"It's been alright, I wish I could remember. Then I wouldn't have to be here." I say. We both look into each other's eyes. His eyes drift away from mine as he gets a phone call. He stands up and walks out of the room. While he's standing out there I think of that warm feeling inside of me that I got. I felt happy like I could dance on clouds. That's when it clicks. I can start to remember a little bit. His name is Robert Latsky. He's been my best friend for almost ever. We met in 4th grade and became friends ever since. I remember having this warm feeling about him. I can never put my finger on it.
"Hey Pressy. My mom just called and my annoying girlfriend is back home. I have to go hang out with her. I don't even like her that much. My mom likes her though and I want my mom to be happy. I wish I could just let her go." When I looked at him when he talked his emotion dropped. You can tell he doesn't want to leave. His emotion dropped yet when he notices me his emotion is brought straight back to life.
"Before you leave. Can you tell the nurse or someone I need to see a doctor? I think I remember something..." I say. He walks over to me and hugs me.
"I hope I can have my best friend back. I've missed you buddy." He whispers in my ear before he breaks the bug and walks out the door.
After he leaves a few minutes pass. Then hours. I wake up in the middle of the night after a nightmare. Everything clicks. Why my parents don't visit. What those warm feelings were. Why i only see my cousin occasionally. Who the pack is. Everything came falling back into place. I quickly hit the nurses button to call them in. The nurse comes in. It was the nurse from earlier today. Mitch. Cool name I guess."What's the matter Preston?" He says. I analyze his voice. He's Canadian. He's like Rob.
"I think I've got my memory back. I woke up from a night terror and I started to remember things then all these memories started flooding into my mind because of a night terror I had about my parents." I say running out of breath by the end of my sentence.
"I'll go get Dr. Dunn. I'm so happy you've finally remembered." Mitch said before walking out of the room to be greeted by a tall male. They bump into each other. I over hear the conversation. The other guys names Jerome. Huh. Then Dr. Dunn walks in.
"Well! I'm glad you've remembered. Now let's go over what caused them and what you do remember." He says before shutting the door and taking a seat.

The SidePack book
RandomThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!