Ship: vikklan(brotp)/poofless(brotp)/tbnrduty(otp)
Group: the pack with mentions of the sidemen
Word count: 1807~3rd person~
The blonde haired boy walked into the quite cafe after having a rough recording session with his black haired friend.
"Damn Vikk. Preston is fudging awesome at parkour." The blonde had said with an exasperated face.
"Well little Lachy he is the parkour master! What did you expect?" Vikk had laughed out.
"I dunno! I thought he would have gone a little easier on us since we are only novice men!" Lachlan said with a slight pout while walking up to the counter. Lachlan had been visiting his good friend Vikk for the past week and was leaving to live with his Texan friend Preston in little over 1 day.
"Hi how may I help you two boys?" The lady said behind the counter while puffing out her chest trying to show off her boobs.
"I'll take a hot coco and my boyfriend will have a cappuccino!" Lachlan said while Intertwining his fingers with Vikk's. You see they weren't actually dating but Lachlan had a crush while Vikk was dating a boy from his other group the sidemen.
"Well then. I can't help you. James! Come help these people." She said while storming off in a hissy fit.
"Sorry about Jess. Her and her boyfriend broke up so she is trying to find a new one where ever she can. To be completely honest she's a bit of a slut. But anyways what can I get for you two?" James said with the biggest smile ever.
"Well I'll have a hot coco and my friend Vikk will have a cappuccino! We actually aren't dating. We just do it so we can get girls to leave us alone." Lachlan said while looking down at his feet
"Yeah let's just say this happens. A lot." Vikk said while laughing.
"Well your total is at £6.00!" Vikk handed him the money as they took a seat in a nearing booth.
"So Ikky Vikky how are you and your lover? Isn't your 1 year anniversary coming up?" Lachlan had cheered to Vikk.
"Yeah... Me and Josh are going pretty strong. I'm taking him out to that fancy diner I showed you a few days ago then I'm going to give him the tickets to Paris and also the promise ring. I'm hyped for our anniversary." Vikk said with a bright smile appearing on his face when he went into detail about the promise ring and what the couple was going to do when in Paris. Lachlan how ever had drifted off into a day dream thinking about how him and his crush would spend their times together.
As time went on the two boys had finished there drinks and started to head home. Lachlan was leaving the next day and Vikk had to work on the anniversary.~Magical time skip and switch POV's~
Preston's POV
Lachlan was about to land in a few hours so I was tidying up the place along with my new roommate Rob.
"Rob! Can you take the trash out pretty please? I'm busy cleaning the kitchen!" I asked while not earning a response. "ROBERT PLEASE TAKE THE TRASH OUT SO WE CAN IMPRESS OUR NEW ROOMMATE!" I screamed finally earning a yes from my pal. You see our good Aussie friend Lachlan was going to come live with us while he was filming a short film for his channel and then he will stay with us from there and forward. He had filmed a part of it in England a part in Florida and he's going to film the rest in Texas. I wouldn't say I have a crush on him but I always get this weird feeling when I'm around him. I'm not gay either! I've been straight my whole life. I grew up in church and was taught being gay was bad. Any form of homosexuality was bad. Luckily my parents don't know that my roommate, Rob, is gay. If they found out I would be dead.
I finished up the kitchen and started to work on the living room and then moved onto the room where Lachlan will be staying. In the house I live in there are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. It's a really nice house but really big for just 3 people but then again the Merome home is pretty large too. When I had realized the time after we had finished cleaning I had seen that Lachlan would be landing in little over 30 minutes. I yelled for Rob telling him we need to go to the airport.

The SidePack book
AléatoireThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!