Hey guys it's Dean and I'm back with another chapter! So about that whole crush this in that update chapter, yeah he was using me.... So I used his face as a punching bag... I'd rather not go into detail here but you can message me! I have figured out a goal for a face reveal... A face reveal will happen at 150 votes! right now I'm at 130 votes so 20 more votes and you get a face reveal! So yeah this is a OT3 oneshot about Pooflan! I think it's super cute even thought it's kind of short!!! So I hope you all enjoys! Anyways, until next time.
Type: cute
Word count: 516
Ship: Pooflan3rd person POV
"OH MY GOD! Preston!!! Robby!!! Look at how cute it is!!!" Lachlan said while running and dragging his 2 boyfriends to look at the big stuffed monkeys that were bigger than him. You see Lachlan, Preston, and Rob are in a polyamorous relationship. It means they are all dating each other and it's not cheating cause it was consented.
"Come on Rob! I can win this for Lachy! It's just a knock the pins down game. Nothing to hard!" Preston had started to face Lachlan. "I'll win you the huge monkey. Okay love?" Lachlan quickly kissed his lips and smiled from ear to ear.
"1 game please!" Preston said looking confident in himself thinking he will be able to get it the first try.
"Okay! That will be $5 sir!" Preston handed the money to the boy named Brandon who was working the booth.
"Don't worry Lach. I got this! You will have your big monkey in no time!"
••• time skip •••
"GOD DAMNIT! I CANT KNOCK DOWN THAT FUDGING STUPID THIRD PIN!!!" Preston now realizing he spent over $100 on this game was driving him insane.
"Babe? Why don't you relax with Lachlan and I'll try and win it." He faced Lachlan "if I don't get it by the 3rd try we are gonna leave the booth. Okay baby doll?"
"Okay... I mean there are always rides we can ride!" Lachlan said looking like an oversized child standing there. Lachlan hugged Rob and pecked his cheek before standing back with a very frustrated look on his face. He was feeling pretty dispirited after not being able to get one of his lovers a thing they had wanted. As if on cue Lachlan wrapped his arms around the smaller, brown haired male and nibbled his ear. They watched Rob pay for the game, handing Brandon $5 and receiving 3 balls back.
1 pin down.
2 pins down.
3 pins down.
"Well sir! You've just won one of our larger monkey's! That's amazing! It usually takes a few tries but you got it on the first! Bravo!" He motioned towards the monkey. Rob motioned towards Lachlan to pick one out.
"Psh. Beginners luck I guess." Preston looked down.
"It's okay lil cactus... You still tried really hard." Lachlan said while kissing all over the boys face and saying I love you in between each of them. Rob had walked back to the two bows a few minutes later holding the hug stuffed monkey.
"You guys remember Matt?" The two boys had said yes. "He would look really cute with the Brandon boy. Just saying but I ship it. I also got Brandon's number. He was really chill and he has a YouTube channel like us!" Rob said while linking hands with the two boys. He just couldn't get that he had two amazing boyfriends. A tall blonde and blues eyes Australian who acts like a small child sometimes, and a shorter brunette who had brown eyes and a bubbly childish personality. All Rob could say, 'I'm so happy I have these 2 in my life.'

The SidePack book
RandomThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!