Hey guys it's Dean back with another chapter! It's part two! I also had a procedure done today so yeah! It ended up going really well, I think. So I hope you all enjoy! Anyways, until next time.
DeanHarry's POV
"I cried into his chest till the ambulance arrived.
"C-can I please ride with h-him? P-please" I said with the tears still streaming down my face. They burned but I didn't care. The love of my life just died probably! I needed to be there with him.
"I'm sorry son but you can't go unless you are related to him are you two are engaged. I'm just going to rule out to engaged part and you two probably aren't related so I'm sorry. But you can meet us at the hospital." The lady hoisting up Vikk on the stretcher said. She seemed really nice. She had black hair and blue eyes which was really neat.
"Hey guys no need to burst your bubble but I don't feel so good..." Ethan looked really pale and looked as if he was going to pass out. I looked back up at Simon who had a creepy smile on his face. He looked down at me curled up in his chest and stroked my hair.
"Shhh Harry. It's gonna be okay." He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. I looked back at Ethan who was bent over his knees puking into the grass. When he stood up he screamed at the top of his lungs.
"I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. I'M PUKING BLOOD. I don't feel to good..." He passed out and fell to the ground.
"Someone ch-check his p-pulse! W-we need to s-see if he is still alive!" JJ walked up to him and took his pulse.
"Guys something really fucked up is going on here. 2 of our friends have died! Ethan just died right in front of us! We need to alert the officials. I'm calling the police." JJ got out his phone before dropped it letting it shatter and then fell to the floor.
"What the actual hell is happening! Now 3 of us are dead guys I have no clue what to do...bull you know what! I'm just gonna head home. Night guys." Tobi said while walked away. I still haven't heard from him... I think he might have been murdered by someone but we still don't know." The officer leaned forward in his chair.
"So you really think someone you know is behind all of this?" He asked with a look of concern.
"Yes sir. But anyways let me continue. I'll shorten Josh's death. He was on Skype with his girlfriend Zu since she was spending the week in Paris for some school thing she wants to do. Anyways, when she got off with him he started to cry because he didn't want to be murdered by anyone because after high school him and Zu were going to get married so he went to the woods and we heard a gun shot and a scream so me and Simon went to see what happened so we went into the woods and saw Josh's dead body with stab wounds and a gun wound through his chest." I finished have a few tears drip down my face. Josh was like a dad of older brother to us. He was going to get married after school and I still haven't told Zu about it.
"So Harry, who do you think did it?" He said standing up. He started to pace around the room and it looked like he was thinking but I'll just leave it be.
"I'm going to be totally honest here, I think it was Simon. Every time something bad were to happen I would look up at him and he had a devilish smile on his face. I knew it was creepy but I decided to pass it over but when I told him I was going to the police he immediately tried to stop me so I sprinted all he way here." I took a deep breath.
"Okay son. We are gonna ask you to stay in a hotel for the night and we will have a police officer with you at all times to make sure you don't get hurt and also to make sure if the killer does comeback we can catch him. Does that sou-" he was cut off by Simon
"Harry! This is where you have been I thought you left me!" He said with that creepy smile again.
"Excuse me sir but we are going to have to ask you to leave. I'm in a confidential conference with Harry Lewis. Please leave right now before I will be forced to make you leave and you will be put in jail." The officer said that with a really stern face.
"Okay fine but afterwards will I be able to talk to Harry?"
"Me and Harry will have to confer about that but it will most likely be a no. I'm very sorry sir." The police officer said before showing Simon the door and closing it....
-End of chapter-

The SidePack book
RandomThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!