Yo!!!! It's Dean! Like the new thing? I dunno. Anyways! It was like 2 in the morning when I wrote this so here ya go! I thought it was hilarious. Anyways, until next time!
Type: fluffy/funny
Ship: Leston/TBNRDuty3rd person POV.
As Lachlan and Preston were sitting on opposite ends on the couch eating some popcorn Lachlan hogs the popcorn to himself."Baaaabbee... Why can't I have more popcorn??" Preston whines as he makes grabby hands towards the popcorn.
"Because. I made it so it's mine!" He says as he cuddles the popcorn. Preston gasps over dramatically towards his boyfriend.
"YoU LOVe THe POpcOrN MoRE thAn ME?!?" He asks holding his chest as he pretends to look surprised and hurt at Lachlan. "I ThOUghT We HaD SomeThInG SPECial?!?"
"Nah. Bros before hoes. I'm the popcorn a bro and you're my hoe so I mean..." Lachlan said shoving a hand full of popcorn in his mouth.
"Can you throw me a piece at least?" Preston asked making puppy dog eyes and pulling his hands under his chin.
"Here pres. You can have the bowl as long as it throw me pieces of popcorn when I ask. Deal?" Lachlan stuck out his hand along with the bowl of popcorn.
"Deal." Preston shook his hand and took the popcorn.
-40 mins into Netflix-
"Pres. Gimme a piece of the puffed corn." Lachlan said as he opened his mouth.
"2 things. This is really dirty looking with like the whole mouth thing and 2nd sure" and Preston tossed a piece at him.
"Anotha one." Lachlan said as he paused the anime they were watching as Preston threw another piece at him.
This action was repeated until Lachlan did something."Bitch. Anotha one." He opened his mouth smiling to see his boyfriends reaction. Preston set the bowl down.
"Did you just call me a bitch? Did little Lachy call me a bitch?" Preston said standing up.
"Pres. Okay pres, whatever you're about to do please don't.." Lachlan said grabbing a pillow holding it. Preston jumped on top of his boyfriend and kissing him multiple times on the face.
"KISS ATTACK! Well I guess you could say, attack on kisses." Preston said before returning to his action.
"Hey, Preston Lachlan I'm back!" Rob called out. Rob walked over to the couch. "You guys are so fucking gay."
"Well I mean you should've heard what Preston said about this. It was so bad." Lachlan said before hugging his boyfriend. "And if we are so gay, why don't you go talk to you boyfriend Mitch."
"That was low Lachlan." Rob walked into a different room before he shut the door you heard... "Hey babe!"
The SidePack book
RandomThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!