I hope everyone had a very merry Holidays! Btw this is the pack and friends with mentions of the sidemen and you will see the ships so don't worry bout it. Also there will be violence, abuse(sexual, verbal, and physical), drugs, alcohol, cutting, and mentions of suicide. There will also be a mention of abandonment. So yeah... I hope you guys enjoy!! Anyways. Until next time!
-DeanVikk's POV
"Lachlan? What are you doing?" I say to my amazing friend who was straddling my waist and shaking my shoulders.
"ITS CHRISTMAS!!! Merry Christmas Vikk!! Now. The boys are down stairs in the kitchen making breakfast and I said that I would come get you so hurry!!" He jumped off my waist and grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of bed.
"Lachlan. I will sleep until I want to get up now get out of my room our you will be Dead in a matter of seconds." I said while laying back down and pulling the covers onto myself.
"Well bah humbug to you to!" And with that Lachlan left my room and went down stairs. I heard our front door open and close a few time. I guess that was Lachlan leaving and the boys trying to get him. He seemed a by mad but eh he'll get over it. I snuggled into my covers and fell peacefully asleep.
"V-Vikk?" I slowly opened my eyes to a very pale Lachlan standing in front of me along with Simon who looked just as pale. They were.. Holding hands?!? What?
"Yes Vikk we know we are holding hands. It's apart of the job description. You knew ghosts of Christmas present? Yeah that's us. Well why don't you take my-"
"What the actual hell? Simon? Lachlan? Why are you so pale? Are you dead? What's going on? Get out of my room! Ghost of Christmas present? What the actual hell?" I screamed as I scoot towards the back of my bed.
"Just l-listen. Y-you see I committed s-suicide 3 years after that Christmas y-you got mad at me it was b-because of my b-boyfriend. He a-abused me. And Simon w-was in a c-car crash. We w-were told t-that it wasn't our t-time so now we are h-here to show o-others w-why they should a-appreciate life by showing how they a-affected others." Lachlan slowly stuttered out.
"Well Vikk." Simon and Lachlan both stuck out their two free hands. "Wanna see what happened?" I decided to take their hands before a hush of cold air was pushed against my face. We had been abruptly stopped after about 1 minute and we were at a familiar house. We had stepped through the walls and there stood the two Australians. Jay and Lachlan.
"You see Vikk? This is what happened to Lachlan everyday. This is why he stopped skyping you everyday. Just watch." And as if on the dot the scene started to play out.
•the scene•
"Lachlan! Get your ass in here! Right now." Jay slurred his words as threw the beer bottle towards the kitchen hitting the wall and shattering to pieces that Lachlan would have to clean."I-I'm coming Jay." Lachlan come out of the kitchen walkway with another beer bottle. "Here you go jay." Lachlan said as he handed him the beer bottle. Jay had chugged it down and started to move slowly towards Lachlan who was seated on the couch across the room.
"L-Lachy? What ever happened to us?" Jay slurred as he sat on Lachlan's lap.
"J-jay? Please get off." Lachlan pleaded and as if you would see the character purse the action jay had his hand connect with Lachlan's cheek while pulling Lachlans hair back. Jay stood up, Lachlan's hair still in his hand, and threw Lachlan to the floor.
"I got off you bitch. Happy now?" Jay wiped his mouth and bent down next to Lachlan. Jay grabbed Lachlan's hair and raised him up seeing a glass shard stuck in his cheek he yanked it out with his other hand. Jay pulled Lachlan into a forced kiss. Lachlan whimpered and tried to pull away but was yet again hit by jay.

The SidePack book
CasualeThis is just a random book about 2 gaming groups. "The Pack" and "The Sidemen"! They both are absolutely amazing groups and I love them both dearly!