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Detroit isn't known for good weather so today's cool breeze and sunny sky was remotely surprising.

"We'll miss you Kia." My mom said as she hugged me tightly and handed me my Duffle bag.

"I'll miss you too mama." I reply as I embrace her comfort.

"Tristan is packing the rest of your stuff in the car. Have a Safe trip. OK?"

I nod and give her a quick hug before I run to the car. The breeze hits me swiftly and makes me gasp with pleasure. Today is a  good day.

"Tris!" I shout as I near the car. He hits his head on the car ceiling as he tries to turn towards me. I try to hide my smirk.

"Mhmm?" He questions.

As I near the car I see someone else in the drivers seat. I give Tris a puzzled look as i try to figure out who is accompanying the seat.

"Daddy?" I question as I finally reach the car and see a dark man with a scruffy beard.

"Hey baby." He replies as he exits the car and heads towards me.

As soon as he's in arm length I grab his neck and embrace him with a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well you know I couldn't let my baby leave without a goodbye from her pops."

Ok so my dad was drafted in the army back in January to fight in Afghanistan. He has been gone for about 9 months now.

Before I can even get a word out I see my mom teary eyed running towards my dad, my siblings not far behind her. As my family embrace each other I pull Tris to the side to say one final goodbye. All my siblings were paired up: Kory and Natalie(twins), Jameson and Eliana, and then me and Tristan. So we were pretty close.

"I'm gonna really miss you kia." 

"I'm gonna miss you too Tris, be good ok?"   

He nods and I genetly squeeze him before saying my final goodbyes to my family and getting in the car.

Unknown [ An August Alsina Romance ]Where stories live. Discover now