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         Harry Styles's alarm clock woke him up at exactly 5:15 am for his morning run. Dragging himself out of bed, he changed into his yellow Nike shorts and white tank top. He grabbed his earbuds and connected it to his phone before tying his shoelaces. Harry played his music on shuffle and ran out of his house. This was Harry's everyday routine between Monday and Saturday. He would go on a three mile run around his neighborhood every morning except for Sundays and exercise. After he would run, he would go back home, shower, get dressed, and head off to school in his yellow Lincoln Continental car that his mother Anne bought him for his 17th birthday.

After his run, Harry went back inside his house and took a cold shower to cool himself off. Scrubbing and scrubbing until his skin turned red, he turned the shower off and got his towel from the door hanger. He went into his room and changed into his normal black skinny jeans and t shirt. Harry blow dried his brown hair with his sister's blow dryer and ran his fingers through it. He looked into the mirror to see if he looked decent and then went into the kitchen when he knew he looked okay. He walked into the kitchen where his mother Anne was wearing her business suit reading the paper while drinking her coffee. She looked up as she heard her son walk into the room and put her paper down.

"Morning Harry, have a nice run?" She asked.

Harry nodded, "Yup, it was nice." And grabbed the piece of toast on his mother's plate. He took a bite and grabbed his backpack and binder from the counter.

Anne put her coffee down, "Harry, please sit down and eat breakfast."

Harry ate the rest of his toast in one bite, "Can't, I have a test today in Spanish class and I have to study."

"Harry." Anne in her mom's voice.

"Got to go love you." He said and kissed her cheek. He jogged out of his house and unlocked his car. He got in and drove to school.

Once he got there, he parked in his normal parking spot and went inside the school. He was greeted by several people and he politely greeted them back even though he never spoken to some of them before. Harry is what you call, popular. He was handsome, smart, and an athlete. It was pretty ironic that he was even popular at all because of his sexuality, but his classmates and teammates didn't care for that. They liked Harry for his awesome football skills. Sometimes it was cool, but other times, Harry wanted to be left alone and just hang out with his friends.

Harry only had thirty minutes to study before he had his Spanish test which was his first period, so he immediately went to the library. He got out his Spanish notes and flashcards and laid them out. Harry was an average A and B student, but he had good enough grades to get into a good University. After a while, he got so lost in studying that he didn't even notice his two best friends walking into the library.

"There you are Harry." A voice said. Harry looked up to his two best friends, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik.

"Just studying for the test we're having for Spanish today." Harry said holding up the notes.

Niall rolled his eyes, "Oh Harry, you don't need to study, you can practically ace this test with your eyes closed."

"You can never be too sure." Harry muttered looking back at his notes.

Zayn crossed his arms, "Harry, you're basically Einstein."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, coach wanted me to tell you that we don't have practice today or tomorrow, he's taking personal days or something." Niall said as Zayn yawned.

"Why didn't he just tell me that himself?" Harry asked.

"He just told me now, he said he wanted you to tell the team considering you're team captain and all." Niall said.

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