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           After a long busy weekend, Harry woke up at 5:15 am for his morning run. Same routine every time, he was so used to it that running while listening to his earphones felt like a blur. Feeling like he didn't exist, but it wasn't a necessarily bad thing. He loved running, he loved to exercise, but sometimes too much of a supposedly "good" thing, wasn't really a good thing if it was something that happened all the time. So when Harry's run steered him to a park, he fell back into the sand and laid there. Not caring that sand may get everywhere, Harry turned his earphones up and bobbed his head to the music.

People who woke early to run too looked at him curiously but kept running, it wasn't their problem. As Harry laid there listening to his music, everything went away. The only thing in Harry's mind was the sweet lyrics of Ed Sheeran.


A couple of days later, Wednesday night after Harry's football game. They went to a teammate's home to celebrate. Harry felt loose and open, walking with Liam into the house.

"We're still undefeated." Harry said looking at Liam while Liam had an arm around his waist.

"I know babe, lets home it stays that way throughout." Liam answered as they walked toward the house.

Harry nodded and then said, "I have to leave early though, so pick a ride with Zayn or Niall okay?"

"Why you leaving earlier than usual?" Liam asked.

Harry didn't tell him he and Louis were planning to go to Louis's secret spot across from the hangout. Harry liked hanging there and didn't want Liam thinking something else was going on. He didn't even tell Liam about the kiss. The first chem class Harry and Louis had after the kiss wasn't awkward at all. Both of them just ignored the kiss and continued on their friendly banter. So Harry still hung out with him, he enjoyed it and he wasn't going to let a little kiss stop him.

"School night. Parents are crazed." Harry answered as he saw Zayn emerged from inside the house.

"If you want I can come with you." Liam said, but Harry pretended he didn't hear him over the music and Zayn ran up to Harry grinning.

"Guess who's going to Plymouth University!" Zayn exclaimed excitedly as Harry removed Liam's arm around his waist.

"Oh my god!" Harry yelled excitedly crushing Zayn into a huge hug, "Congrats!"

Zayn smiled hugely and hugged Harry tighter, "This was because of you! You helped me, without your help I would have still been put on the waiting list."

Harry leaned back, still holding onto Zayn by the arms, "Yes! Now let's fucking party our asses off!" He screamed excitedly and ran toward the front door.

Zayn laughed and ran after Harry. Liam forgotten on the lawn of the house. Liam sighing, started walking up as one of the teammates came by to greet him. They walked inside the house together and Liam immediately saw Harry dancing with Zayn and Niall. Harry was dancing like he was having the time of his life. It was truth, he was happy Zayn got into College and he wanted to dance with his best friends. Liam slightly cringed as Harry shook his hips and danced with his hands in the air. This was certainly not the dance Harry did when they first met. Harry looked like he was drunk when he certainly wasn't. Liam cringed more when their teammates laughed how Harry dance.

Harry was oblivious toward Liam's thoughts and stares at him. Harry just danced and drank coca cola until it was time to go hang out with Louis again.


"What shampoo do you use?"

"Strawberry. I just use the ones my sister uses." Harry answered as he and Louis laid side by side in Louis's bus. They laid in the back of the bus, where it had a blanket and carpeted floor. They were looking at the painted stars on the roof of the bus. They looked like little kids painted them and when he asked, Louis said his sisters painted the roof for him.

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