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That same day, Louis dropped Harry back to school and left with a new idea in his head.

Harry on the other hand, ran toward the computer room on the third floor. Where they have been holding their yearbook meetings recently. Once he got there, he opened the door, apologized to everyone on a computer why he was late, and went to sit by a seat next to Zayn.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Harry said as he sat down, "So, did you finish uploading the art page?"

Zayn finally looked up, he didn't even bother looking up when Harry came in and apologized to everybody, "Why didn't you bother to call me? Or tell me where you were before leaving me with all these people?" Zayn said annoyed.

Harry typed in the website they were using for the yearbook and logged in, "I was with Louis."

Zayn pushed his glasses up, "The weird kid? You ditched yearbook to hang out with him?"

Harry shrugged, "Louis's okay."

"Okay," Zayn scoffed, "Liam came over looking for you a few hours ago. Said you didn't answer any of his calls, none of mine either."

"I had my phone on silent sorry okay?" Harry said then asked, "What he want?"

"He said he's having a last minute beach party at his house; parents went to a last minute trip."

Harry nodded but Zayn continued on, "If you weren't with Louis maybe you would have known this stuff."

Harry stopped typing and looked at Zayn annoyed, "I had to finish my project report, what is your problem?"

Zayn bit his lip and looked down, "Sorry I'm just-just-" he nodded to the envelope near the keyboard, "I got the letter back from Plymouth University."

Harry grabbed the envelope and read it outloud for only them two to hear, "I'm here to inform you that you've been put on the waiting list...Zayn this is great! You're on the waiting list."

Zayn snatched the envelope back, "No Harry it's not. It's basically rejection."

"No all we need to do is add more to your application." Harry said, smiling, "Trust. I help you with it."

Zayn shrugged, "Okay I guess."

"I got this." Harry said patting his chest. Zayn shook his head at Harry, slightly in a better mood. Harry was about to start to work when he saw his phone flash with Liam's name, he answered within a heartbeat.

"Hey Liam."

"Hi Harry." Liam replied, his tone clearly showed that he was a bit annoyed, "We were going out to eat before yearbook remember?"

Harry cringed, "Yea, I'm sorry something came up, but I hear you're throwing a pool party? I think I can come."

"Are you sure you won't flake this time?" Liam asked.

Harry nodded, "Yup. I just had to do something, it won't happen again."

Liam sighed, "Okay, it starts in about two hours, if you want I can pick you, Zayn and Niall if you want?"

Harry was going to say no since he already had a car, but decided against it since he didn't want to get Liam more annoyed like he already was, "Okay I'll text you my address, and from there we'll get Zayn and Niall."

"Sure sounds like a plan, see you then." Liam said.

Harry smiled, "Okay, bye Liam."

"Bye President of the Yearbook and Photography club."

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