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"Louis!" Harry yelled, chasing Louis outside toward the parking lot. He knew Louis could hear him, but he wasn't listening to Harry for some reason.

Louis kept walking at a fast pace toward his van. He wasn't feeling as well today and wanted to be away from any human contact, but the one day he wants to be alone he has Harry Styles chasing after him.

"Louis!" Harry yelled again, beginning to jog.

Louis made it to his van and unlocked it, getting inside. After he shut the door he threw his backpack at the back of his van and started the engine.

"Louis!" Harry almost screamed.

Harry ran toward Louis's side and knocked on the window. Louis sighed and rolled down the window.

"Yes Harry?"

"The report for the project is due tomorrow." Harry said, bag over his shoulder.

Louis nodded, "And?"

"And we haven't finished yet!" Harry exclaimed, "We need to finish the last section."

"I thought it was due Tuesday."

"Tomorrow is Tuesday."

"Oh." Louis scrunched up his eyebrows, "Shit goes by fast."

Harry nodded annoyed, "Yes it does."

Louis looked at the empty seat beside him and then back at Harry, "Hop in. We'll go somewhere to finish it."

"I have yearbook." Harry replied.

Louis sighed, "How are we going to finish it then?"

"We'll meet in a few hours at the library, I can make Liam-"

"Oh Liam, such a handsome fellow. He's your boyfriend right?" Louis interrupted, giving Harry a sly smile.

"He's not." Harry said, he held his tongue about saying yet.

"Great choice that Liam. I hear he's going to join your football team, that's nice. Boyfriends on the same team."

Harry realized what was going on and he just said, "You were at the hangout last Thursday weren't you? You saw him and I."

Louis shook his head, "No I wasn't," He said and put his van in reverse, "But you were."

"If you weren't then how would you know?"

"Because that's where everyone goes." Louis answered, then added, "Besides, I heard people talking about it."

Nosey bitches, Harry thought.

    Louis backed out of his parking spot and Harry yelled, "Hey!"

Louis sighed and put his van in park again, "What?"

"The project report." Harry wanted to add, you dipshit.

"Just hop in I do my best work when I'm driving." Louis said, putting a fake smile on his face.

"I can't." Harry said, he couldn't help but smile back at Louis, his smile was a bit contagious. Louis was kind of taken back by Harry's smile, it was so sweet.

Louis cleared his throat and put his van on drive and drove slowly away, "By heating tin metal, in air, at a high temperature." Harry almost dropped his jaw, "Will produce ten oxygen products, called..."

"Wait!" Harry yelled at him and ran toward the other side of the car. He opened the passenger door and hopped inside. Louis wasted no time and started driving.

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