Final Author's Note

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         Oh my god this is the end. This is the end. The story of Harry and Louis in "Louis" is over! Done! Thank you all who read and voted on this story. You don't know how incredibly thankful I am for sticking with me til the very end. "Louis" was the first Larry Stylinson story I have ever written and finished and I'm just so happy that it's done. I'm so glad I fell in love with these boys at age 11, imagine not? My life would be boring...actually it still is...but anyways that's not the point! I hope you enjoyed this story of Louis and Harry and I hope you can come back to reread from time again. I am sorry I killed of Louis but that was necessary for this story, lol please don't hate me and I hope to see you all in the later future!

Before I leave, I have a new story up on my page called "Torn by Fear". It's Larry Stylinson of course and it will be filled with a dark mysterious plot and completely different from this one. It will contain a happy momentum because Niall will definitely be in it, so if you're wondering. Here's the summary!:

    Harry Styles was somebody you forget about after High School. He was an outcast, druggie and film lover. His life consisted of hating his mother and trying to live throughout High School before graduation. That, until he meets somebody who changes his life drastically where he's split into a dark secret where he can't get away from. Before he knows it, Harry Styles is torn by fear.    

Hope to see you there!  



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