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Harry walked out into the courtyard with Niall at his side, both of them with their lunch trays. They both walked over to their table and sat down across from each other. Niall had two ham cheese sandwiches, one apple, one nutella snack jar and a fruit roll up. Harry only had two apples and one ham sandwich.

"Harry you're not going to believe this." Niall began, taking a soda from his backpack and handing it to Harry, which Harry put back in Niall's plate. Harry wasn't into eating or drinking junk food because of football and he needed to stay in shape. Niall shrugged at him and opened the can.

"What am I not going to believe?" Harry asked unwrapping his sandwich.

"You know the new kid Liam?"

Harry looked up so quickly that Niall thought his head was going to snap. Of course I've heard of him, I saw him, Harry thought. He saw him the first day he came to this school in the office. Ever since then, he secretly filled with joy and always got butterflies in his tummy when he saw Liam in the hallway.

Harry cocked his head, "Liam who?"

"Liam Payne, anyways he played football at his hometown and he was a goalie! Since Warner moved schools, we need a new goalie and I hear he's going to try out when Coach comes back." Niall exclaimed happily.

"Pretty cool." Harry said nodding his head and taking a bite out of his sandwich. He couldn't wait to stare at Liam's body when they change in the locker rooms.

"You didn't even hear the best part." Niall said smugly, opening his Nutella snack jar first. "He's gay."

Harry slightly choked on his sandwich, "Really?"

Niall smirked, "Yup."

Harry smiled, "Wow, that's cool..."

Niall shook his head smiling and licked the Nutella off his fingers, "I know, too bad you don't who he is or I could have hooked you two up."

Harry slammed the table, "I know who he is, the cute kid with brown hair and eyes, and he has a stubble, oh god."

Niall couldn't hold it in his laughter anymore, he began laughing loudly. Harry scrunched his eyebrows at him until he realized what happened.

"You lied you asshole!" Harry shouted and threw Niall's apple at him.

"Ow! Why would you lie that you didn't know him?" Niall replied smirking and put his Nutella down to eat one of his ham and cheese sandwiches. Harry rolled his eyes and went back to eating, disappointed that Liam wasn't really gay and it sucked so he ate his sandwich to drown out his feelings.

Niall realized how excited he got Harry and sighed, "Sorry, I was just messing with you." Harry shrugged.

Zayn, who was holding paint brushes, came by and sat down on the table beside Harry, "Sup guys."

"Hey Zayn." Harry and Niall said in an instant.

Zayn twirled the paint brushes in his hand, "What you football players talking about?"

"Nothing, why do you have paint brushes?" Harry asked.

Zayn smiled, "I just finished with my art project and I got an A on it."

Harry patted his back and Niall smiled, "Great job." Zayn smiled at them and took a sandwich from Niall's plate.

"You did not just take my sandwich." Niall immediately said.

Zayn shrugged, "So?"

"At least ask me if you can have it; you don't have to just take it from my plate. It's not polite. Would you like it if I took one of your paint brushes without asking you first?"

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