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          To make up for lost time Harry spent early in the morning with Louis, he woke up early on Saturday. He wore Liam's Green Bay sweatshirt again and an old pair of Nike shorts. As always, he plugged in his earphones and listened to an album from his phone. Harry began jogging from his house and around his neighborhood. As he ran, he thought of his friends Zayn and Niall. He missed hanging out with them, only them, not with Logan, Liam---and even Louis.

Harry nodded and was going to call the boys to hang out later today. For the next two hours, Harry jogged and exercised at the park nearby. Once it was around 7 o'clock, Harry smelled and sweated from every part of his body. It was not attracted so he couldn't wait to get home for a shower. But before that he wanted to get a croissant and refill his water bottle at the cafe near the park. He took off his sweatshirt long ago, leaving him in his sweaty purple tank top. He walked in the cafe and waited in line to order. A lady aside him sitting near the window nosed twitched when she glanced at him. Harry sniffed his pits, sure he smelled bad but it wasn't so bad that people were too bothered by it.

The cafe was filled with a few people so the line was pretty short. Harry was behind a person who was already ordering. Harry took one earbud off so he can be aware of his surrounding, he looked around the cafe and then back of the guy's head in front of him. Scrunching his eyebrows he did a double take at this guy near the window.

It was Coach Carl sitting and drinking coffee with his wife. Coach Carl hasn't noticed Harry yet so Harry didn't pry yet, he planned to say hello and goodbye when he got his croissant.

"Next please." The cashier girl said.

Harry was brought back to reality and stepped forward.

"Good morning what can I get for you today?" The girl asked.

"May I have a croissant, heated please. And if you can, can you fill up this water bottle of mine? It's okay if you can't I'm just asking." Harry said, giving the girl a friendly smile and taking out a couple of pounds from his sock.

"Course you can honey." The girl said taking the water bottle from his hands and walking away to fill it up. Harry thought it was pretty funny that the girl called him honey when in reality she didn't look that much older than him.

Harry counted the quids and waited for her to come back. When she did he gave her the money and she gave him his water bottle back.

"Wait near the side while your croissant gets warmed up please." The girl said putting the pounds in the cash register. Harry nodded and stepped to the side.

No one was in line but he just waited to the side like the girl told him to. He took a sip of his cold water and after twenty seconds the girl called him back with the croissant.

"Here you are sweets, have a nice day." The girl said.

"You too." Harry replied and walked near the window where Coach Carl sat to say hi, "Hey Coach." He greeted walking over.

Carl looked over from the call of his name and he gleamed at him, "Harry! Hello boy how are you this morning?"

"Great, just made a pit stop to buy a croissant and I saw you here so I decided to say hello." Harry answered, holding up the bag that contained his croissant.

Carl nodded then he motioned over to his wife, "You remember my wife Diana right?"

"Course, who could forget a pretty woman." Harry said smiling at her, "Nice to see you again Mrs. Weller."

"You too son." She replied smiling at him.

"Harry got a scholarship from an American College...what was the name of it again Harry?"

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