Chapter 4 - HELP!!!

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 If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. 

                                                                     ~William McFee

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Chapter 4 —Help!

I squinted against the dim light just to have a good look at him, glare at him if possible and prove to them (and more importantly to myself) that I was not even in a teensy weensy way scared of them.

The car halted after half an hour or so but no one in car spoke to break the deafening silence that seemed to linger for a while. The driver was a stranger to me. I could definitely tell that he was a tall man with medium built and a pale complexion. Although, I would not say that with his cropped dark hair and clear blue mesmerizing eyes that he was in any way unattractive.

Judging by the laugh lines on his strong face, he must be in his late thirties or early forties. Somehow, there was something familiar about him though I could not point my finger on it.

Leonard Dunn kept his eyes straight on the road, shifting occasionally on the front seat. He dared not to even get a glimpse of me being restrained constantly by Gerald. As if I could actually jump right off the car while it’s moving! A fuse of hatred towards Leon or Leonard—whoever the hell he really was— lit inside me. It was not like I wanted to be there when they were having their argument that night! In fact I shouldn’t be in detention at all. No thanks to him. And now he abducted me and what next? Kill me and stuff my body somewhere far, far away?

The car pulled over in front of a secluded building about twenty minute drive from home. I cursed at myself silently. I had been so engrossed with loathing these people who kidnapped me that I hadn’t bothered to look where they took me!

The building was relatively new, painted with a very light hue of chrome yellow with dark brown embellishments and window panes. There was a small carved wood sign board at the side of the door that read Chateau Le Fleur.

The tall driver parked the car near a drive-through-like slot near the entrance where a man in maroon uniform greeted from the window and handed the driver a small plastic card. “Here it is my good sir! Just as you requested,” the man in uniform said.

The driver nodded and maneuvered the car into a dim parking lot. Several other cars were lined in such a small area. I didn’t need to be a car expert to notice that most, if not all of those were luxury vehicles.

Gerald came out first and dragged me along with him. I should’ve called for help, knowing that we must be in a public place but something urged me not to. An elevator nearby opened.

Moira emerged muttering “Oh dear, oh dear,” under her breath, half-ran to me, her stiletto tapping loudly against the ebony-tiled floor. She led me gently all the way to the elevator, glancing remorsefully at the boys who were treading behind us silently.

“I didn’t believe it when you blokes planned this. Now you’ve done it and I still couldn’t impel myself to believe that this is happening!” She appeared rather scared and ashamed for the boys’ work.

The elevator music was surprisingly Leon’s song “Be Mine” and I suppressed the sudden urge to cackle like mad at the irony of it. He must have notice me tapping the tip of my shoe on the carpeted floor to keep myself from laughing and with that I thought I saw him blush behind his thick wide glasses. I didn’t know what came over me but I nodded my head gently to the beat of the song and tried to hum the melody (which I found amusing since I only heard it like a couple of times) just to annoy him.

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