Sarah & sammy

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       We have been at Sammy's for a while when Jake texts me.
Jake: who is Sammy?
Ooh, he is jealous yay!
Me: Sarah's boyfriend.
Jake: what?
Can he not read?
Me: Sammy is Sarah's boyfriend that she cheated on earlier with you. Better?
Jake: don't get smart with me. You know what I'll do.
How could he say something like that to me? I am his flesh and blood. Not his daughter.
Me: sorry.
Jake: good, but I want y'all to come home now.
Me: why?
Jake: I don't know just because and don't tell Sarah about this
Me: okay see you soon
Okay good. He is jealous, but should I tell Sarah? No I can't. If he finds out I don't know what he'll do. "Hey Sarah, I'm tired can we need to go home now," I say interrupting her from her make out session. I took some pictures and a video in case Jake ever got a hold of my phone and saw the make out session between Sarah and Sammy. She looks over to me. "But I don't want to," she pouts, and Sammy pulls her back down and continues with the make out session. "Sarah we have to go," I say and Sarah tries to get up but Sammy won't let her. "Baby I'm sorry I've got to go," she says. "I don't want you to," he says. They were most certainly relationship goals in my opinion. "I know I'm sorry," she says. "Call and text me next time you come and I love you baby girl," he says. "I love you too," she says and kisses him roughly one last time and gets up. "Bye," she says. "Bye," he says. Sarah then leaves sadly, while I stand there. "Do you love her?" I ask him. "Yeah," he says. "Would you die for her?" I ask. "Any day," he says. "Would you ever let her go if she did something screwed up?" I ask. "Sometimes you have to let them go, but Sarah would never hurt me," he says. I look down. I nod. "Would she?" He asks. "Sammy, she loves you. She really does. She would never intentionally hurt you, but there are temptations in this world, and when your faced with them, it's kind of hard to resist. Some people just aren't strong enough," I say. He looks at me sadly. "Did she cheat on me?" He asks looking at the ground. "I think that's for you and her to discuss," I say and walk out. Sarah is standing outside the door. She mouths a "thank you" because God knows she wouldn't have been able to do that on her own. I know her better than anyone else, so I knew she would want me to do that. We walk out of the house and get in the car. I'm still 15 so Sarah drives. When we get back to my house, I see that my parents still aren't home. "Do you think Sammy will forgive me?" She asks. "Truth?" I ask. "Yes please," she says. "I honestly don't know. He says he loves you, but he might have to let you go," I say. She looks down and I see a tear come down her cheek. Maybe I shouldn't try to get my brother jealous. It's clear that Sarah loves Sammy, but why would she have sex with my brother? She gets out of the car and I now dread going in the house. What happens today was a mistake. I feel like a slut. Why did I do it? Why can't I be a normal teenage girl and not do it? I don't know.
        I get out of the car and go in the house. I look around and see nobody is in the living room and I sigh a sigh of relief. I close my eyes. "What have I done with myself," I ask myself frustratingly. I go up to my room and see Sarah is lying on my bed crying. I feel so bad for her. My brother is such a dick. I walk in and close the door. I then feel tears come to my eyes, one because if Sarah is sad it makes me sad and two because I have so much guilt of what I did. I go and sit at the window seal and silently cry. The tears coming down my face makes me feel so much better. My head is now in my knees, and I know my mascara is running. Why do I have to be such a fuck up. The door then opens and I face the window seal pretending to be on my phone, Sarah has fallen asleep, but anyways. "Hey, uh, mom is home," says the familiar voice of my brother Jake. I look over to him and his eyes widen. "How could you do that to her?!" I yell at him.

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