6 2 2

I run out of the room and find that the guy who handed me the popcorn was staring at his phone with the same vacant expression but this time I notice something.
His irises had turned white....almost fusing with he rest of his eyeball.
Alright creepy creepy!
The guy at the ticket booth had the same white eyes and the same vacant expression.

I decided to take one of the fire extinguishers for protection, you know, to hit people with if anyone tried to attack me....
Wait... Would they?

Oh great, now I have to walk home to check on mom and dad...hmmm maybe I can call them.
I slip my cellphone out of my pocket and all I see is the same colourful moving pattern
and no matter what buttons I press or how many times I touch the screen, it wouldn't work.
I pace down the street and see that even commercial screens that hung over buildings had the same weird patterns and colours.
All the cars on the road had stopped moving and the streets were silent.
I slowly tip toe towards one of the cars as if I'm afraid I might wake someone up and I take a look through the window.
The woman sitting in the car is staring at the sign with her mouth open and her eyes blank. She doesn't take notice of me for about five seconds and suddenly her head snaps in my direction.
I stumble backwards out of surprise then I feel my back crash into someone's chest.
I slowly turn around and I see a man with glassy white eyes, I stumble backwards again then I break into a run.
I sprint going nowhere in particular turning right and left, running past shops and houses, fire extinguisher cradled in my arms like a baby, my only weapon against anyone that might try to hurt me.
The road in front of me is like a blur and swirl of colours I keep running not realising how fast I was going until I hit something and we both crash to the ground. I here a groan underneath me and I restore my balance and quickly get up realising I had run into a boy almost my age, 17, maybe 18, he lay flat on the ground, eyes closed. He shifts onto his belly and pushes himself up. I start taking steps back and away from him and pointing the fire extinguisher at him "If you come any closer, I will not hesitate to hit you in the face with this" I threatened shakily.

I feel small compared to his 6'2 build but seriously I wasn't that short either, 5'8 to be exact. He had this slender sexy type of build but holy crap I was scared.

He turns around and I see his face clearly for the first time.
He's hair is as dark as night, it draws a perfect hair line along his forehead and then a perfect jaw and cheekbones are visible defining his whole face. Perfectly rosy lips, move and say something but I can't hear it, I'm too busy studying his face, a straight nose with all the right angles to it, and then I notice his eyes, like swirls of the sky and the ocean mixed together and a bit of grey lining the edges of his irises but not a sharp grey, just little blotches.

He steps closer to me and snaps his fingers in front of my eyes.
" uhh..earth to only sane person here"
His voice... His voice was like melted chocolate on a strawberry, like waves on the grains of sand on a beach, soft yet deep, strong yet soothing.
I blinked a couple of times to clear my head then straightened my arms and pointed the fire extinguisher at him again. He quickly steps back and raises his hands in surrender but has a smirk on his face.
" What are you all smirky about?" I inquired.
He pointed at the weapon in my hands " You might wanna check this weapon of yours."
I look at it to find that a hole has been punctured through it and air was escaping it. Great, this douche must have broken it when he blocked my way and made me fall.
I sigh. " okay so maybe you're not gonna try and kill me then"
" Nope, wouldn't dare to try...we got off on the wrong foot, how about we do this properly... I'm Blaze" he said and put his hand out for me to shake.
I eyed his hand for a second then thought 'so be it.'
" Alice" I said as I shook his hand. "So why aren't you all hypnotised and acting weird?"
" I was about to ask you the same thing" he said.
"What do you think's going on?" I asked.
" I don't know...maybe all the people that looked at screens got hypnotised"
" But I was watching a movie and I didn't get hypnotised"
" Well, I think you're a special case then"
" Oh yeah? What about you? How come you're not all white eyed and acting like you're under the influence?"
He chuckled at that. " Look, I know as much as you do so I think we just have to figure this out together"
Walking down the street, we see some groups of people pacing the ground with vacant expressions as if they were zombies then suddenly, they start running towards us.

Blaze and I exchange a look.
" You'd better start running" I say already elongating my steps.
I can hear the crowd's shouts and I can only make out the words "catch them" and "traitors" as my breath starts to get caught in my throat and my lungs burn.

We take a turn and end up in a narrow, dark alley.
Not slowing down, we keep running down the alley until we reach a dumpster and hide behind it.
I try my best to slow down my raged breaths and to be quiet.
Blaze kneels forward, hands on his knees catching his breath.
We hear the crowd stop in front of the alley then go on running.
We lost them.
I see a brick wall at the end of the alley that's low enough for me to climb.
I walk towards it without talking.
"Give me a boost" I say as I reach the wall.
Blaze interlocks his fingers and stands facing me.
"On the count of three" he says.
I stand away from him.
" One...two...three"
I run towards him quickly and kick off from his hands, I remain a second in the air then land safely on the other side.
I look around me to see that it is no longer the dark alley with the graffiti on the walls but a nicely tidied garden with houses lining it from each side and a street in the middle of the grass.
I find trash cans in a corner and some boxes.
I place them on top of each other and climb so that I'm sitting on the ledge of the brick wall and put out my hand to help Blaze up but I'm surprised to see him run as fast as a bullet from far away, take two steps against the wall to push himself up then catch the ledge - biceps tightening- and pull himself up.
I watch as he does a flip in the air and lands gracefully on the ground.
I look at him in awe.
" What?" He says as if he didn't just do the most awesome moves in the world.
I keep staring.
Okay, play it cool,Alice.
" Nothing...those were some nice moves." I compliment.
" Yeah, I know" he says and he flashes a devilish smile.
I just roll my eyes.
" show off" I mutter as I get down from the wall but my foot lands on a plastic bottle and I slip.
I wait for the impact but all I feel is an arm catching me inches from the ground.
I open my eyes and see blaze's blue ones gazing into mine with a mischievous sparkle to them.
" You were saying?" He says smirking.
I frown and put my tongue out at him then steady myself pushing his arm away from my waist and start walking away.
He half runs to catch up with me.
" I was expecting a 'thank you'" he says.
" well, don't expect too much."
He chuckled.
" Anyway, we need to start blending in with these guys if we don't want to get chased by an angry mob every five minutes" he states.
" So, what should we do? Run around with pitchforks and torches?" I inquire.
" No, princess cookie, we need to move like them, wear sunglasses or something, they probably know we aren't hypnotised because of our eyes."
" Since when were you an expert on this type of stuff?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
" I have my ways." He shrugs.
" Right"

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment!
<3 M

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