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" Mom I'm home!" I said as I entered my house.
My mom came towards me from the kitchen drying her hands in a kitchen towel and a glowing smile on her face.

" How was the movie, honey?" She asked.
My eyes widened a fraction.
" It was...great." I said rather hesitantly.
She had a puzzled look on her face.
" What happened to your eyes?" She asked and cocked her head to the side.
Shit! I forgot about my purple eye.
I scratched the back of my head.
" Oh it's just this new trend I'm following." Thank God my voice didn't break in the middle of the sentence.
She eyed me for a second.
" Teenagers these days." She said and waved the matter off with a hand.
Didn't she remember anything?
" Where are your brothers?"
" They're still at the cinema. They said they were going to watch another movie since this one was boring." I felt guilty about lying to my mother but the circumstances called for it.
" Oh, okay then. Would you like some lunch? I made your favourite: roast chicken and rice." She stated.
" I would love that." I said as I placed a kiss on her cheek and walked into the kitchen.
Dad was sitting at the table already eating.
" Hey, dad" I said as I took my own seat at the table and was later joined by my mom.
" Hi, honey, did you have fun at the movies?"
" Yep." I said with a look of confusion.
" Good" he said then he winked at me then went on eating.
I blinked.
Blaze's voice echoed in my mind
Both of our fathers were rats in an experiment.
The powers could only be transferred to one child.
I guess you knew what was going on from the beginning huh, dad?
Hey guys! So this was the final chapter in my story. I hope the ending wasn't disappointing and I just want you to know I did the best I could and I hope this story wasn't a waste of your time. Thanks for reading!
<3 M

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