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I stared at him for a moment.
I was at a loss of words.
" I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
" It's okay" he said and I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes.
" What happened?" I asked kindly.
" Plane crash" he said. " there was a storm and the pilot tried to maneuver the plane away from the lightning but they got hit and the plane exploded."

We stopped walking and I watched him as he looked at the ground.
I took a step towards him then another and then I hugged him.
He held on tightly to the back of my shirt for a few moments.
The hug felt comforting even to me; he was warm and he smelled like fresh apples and cinnamon.
I heard him sniffle and he pulled away, wiping his eye with the back of his hands.
" I'm sorry you had to see me like this" he apologized.
" No, it's okay, I mean I'm pretty sure people always need someone around them in these situations." I stated.
His face became hard again.
" Well, I don't." He said and started walking towards his house.
I stared at him in awe for a second.
" Hey, what's wrong with you now? We just faced a hypnotized zombie dude and you're just gonna leave me like this and to think that y-"
" I didn't say you couldn't come" he said coolly.
I stayed silent.
I put my hands in my jacket pockets and start walking towards him while avoiding his eyes.
We walked in silence until we reached his house.
It looked like any other house I've ever seen.
A wooden porch was up front with a small light dangling in front of the brown painted door and several plant pots were place on either side of the door.
One pot had some lilies planted in them.
I bent down and took a sniff while blaze unlocked the door.
The flowers smelled fresh and made my lungs feels new.
When I straightened up I found Blaze watching me.
" Don't worry, I won't murder your precious lilies" I said sarcastically.
He didn't laugh...nor did he smile.
My face fell.
He went inside and left me standing outside staring after him.
" Are you coming in or do you want the werewolves to come and eat you?"
I suppressed a smile and went inside.
If the house looked normal from the outside then it sure didn't look that ordinary from the inside.
On my right was a living room that had three pastel blue couches and light grey painted walls. The parquet was all white and the curtains were see-through letting all the lamp light in the street spill through it.
A huge T.V screen was placed on the wall opposite the couches and a coffee table was in the middle of the room.
On my left was the kitchen.
The walls were painted a subtle off-white and the counters were marble with black, white and beige spots. The wooden cupboards and shelves were a cream colour and the whole kitchen was lighted with soft yellow lighting.
In front of me was a spiralling staircase with a black railing full of swirls and shapes made of black metal.
Blaze was in the kitchen making some coffee and was looking at me with a smirk on his face.
" Better close your mouth." He said and he place two fingers under me chin and lifted it up to close my open mouth.
I felt my cheeks heating up.
" You have an awesome house." I complimented.
" I know." He said....still smirking.
I wanted to say something to wipe that smirk off his face but I couldn't come up with anything so I stayed silent.
Blaze handed me some coffee and gestured for me to sit down on one of the kitchen table chairs.
I took a sip of my coffee and scrunched my nose in disgust.
" Didn't you put any sugar in this?" I asked.
" Nope, I like it dark like my soul." He said through his cup of coffee and he leaned back in his chair.
" where's the sugar?"
" Top right cupboard." He said lazily.
Okay I might be tall but this cupboard was literally made for giants.
I reached as far as I can - my fingers grazing the tip of the sugar container- until I got hold of the container but nope I just had to lose balance and make a complete fool out of myself but instead of hitting the ground, I was caught by a pair of muscular arms.

Blaze steadied me and asked. " You okay?" While his finger tips lingered on my waist.
" Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.
I was very conscious of his hands on my waist.
He pulled his hands away and went back to his coffee - avoiding my gaze.
I sat back down with him at the table.
" Why did we take all that food stuff if we had all the food we need at your house?"
" Because we won't stay here long. We need to find the source of this weird colour thing" he said while jabbing a thumb in the T.V screen's direction.
" And how will we do that? "
He didn't say anything; he just gave me a mischievous look and continued sipping on his coffee.
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<3 M

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