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The morning was chilly and everything was quiet; not even birds were chirping.
I found myself wrapped in a warm embrace and a steady rise and fall of a chest was against my back.
Blaze's arms were wrapped around me and I could feel him breathing down my neck. It made the small hairs on my neck stand up.

If I moved he'd wake up.

My left arm was starting to get numb and my patience was running out.

Forty minutes later, Blaze woke up.
When he started stirring I had pretended to be asleep just to avoid the awkwardness and got up five minutes later.
" Morning." I said as I got up.
He gave a nod in reply.

He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept.
There were dark circles under his eyes and shadows beneath his cheekbones.
I mean, we had slept considerably early last night.

I pushed the thought away and started searching my pack for some breakfast.

Doughnuts and Oreos were all I found 'suitable' for breakfast so I got them out of my pack and ate reluctantly.
I wasn't feeling fine; I barely had an appetite for anything and my head was spinning.
Maybe I caught a cold or something.
Okay maybe spending the night in open air in Autumn wasn't the best idea but whatever it was fun!

In the two days I have spent with Blaze, I noticed that he never has breakfast; he only drinks coffee.
Blaze was already on his feet ready to go on walking but I on the other hand was so not ready for this.
My feet were sore from yesterday's long walk and my back was killing me from sleeping on the hard ground.
I slung my backpack against my shoulder and got up, then started walking with Blaze.

It was getting closer to mid-day and it was starting to get hot.

I tied my loose hair into a messy bun and kept walking.

" How long will it take us to get there?" I asked.
" Twelve hours, a day tops. That is of course if we eat and drink while walking which I'm pretty sure would be hard."

After walking for four hours, we had our first break.

I drank some water and it felt like it came from heaven. I relished the liquid as it went down my throat cooling down my body.

I sat down on a park bench and closed my eyes trying to relax. Blaze sat beside me and ate some lunch which consisted of: McDonald's sandwiches and ( you guessed it) Oreos.

I'd give anything for a decent meal.

I heard whispers coming from the trees and bushes all around us.
My eyes flew open and twenty Hypees were running our way, shouting like crazy.

" Not this again! Run!" Said Blaze and he started dragging me after him and went on in a full sprint.

We kept turning alleys and streets but they were still on our tail.
Finally, we reached a shop and hid in there.
We scrambled behind a stack of boxes and kept our heads down.
The bell hanging at the shop's door rung and I can hear slow footsteps coming toward us.
I tried my best to steady my breathing and Blaze was holding my arm so tight I almost winced.
The footsteps came closer to the boxes we were hidden behind and a tall buff guy with curly hair and big white eyes appeared in front of us then ran towards us shouting and went straight for Blaze.

I screamed and snapped my eyes shut but I didn't hear Blaze being beaten up or killed or anything.
I looked at Blaze and he was just staring at the man dead in the eyes with the most composed look ever while the man made a sound like growling.
The guy backed away from Blaze then turned on me; he made a sound like a hiss which made me wince then he just.....left.

I kept staring after the man, unable to breathe then I looked at Blaze who kept looking in front of him as if he didn't just defy the laws of nature.

" What was that?" I asked.
He avoided my eyes. " I-I don't know." Then he got up and started moving towards the door.
I got up hastily and hurried after him.

" Wait you mean all those Hypees chased us and then they decide not to kill us?! That just doesn't make sense!" I stated.
" Well, I don't know! Maybe you can go ask them!" His voice went up a notch.
I half ran to keep up with him.
A hurt look flashed across my face.
" Why are you being like this?" A lump formed in my throat.
" Because I-" he sighed. " I don't know."

We remained silent during the rest of the walk and we didn't walk hand in hand like yesterday.

Day was gone and we had walked for eight hours; we'd definitely reach that stadium tomorrow.

Silently Blaze went and lied down on a bus stop bench leaving me behind.
Wow he can be really rude sometimes.
I searched for a patch of grass and lay down on it.
I placed my backpack under my head and stared at the stars.
I really miss my family.
Would they remember any of this when they snap out of it?

The sky was almost black with tinges of deep blue here and there and the sky was filled with small glowing dots of light. I imagined the shape of two bears ice skating, an ice cream cone and a Ferris wheel. I smiled to myself.

I curled in a ball and closed my eyes, the image of my family lingering behind my eyelids.

I woke up to the smell of apples and cinnamon. I sat up and a dark blue hoodie fell off me. I looked at it then looked at Blaze. He was sitting on the same patch of grass I was sitting on but a bit further away.

He had made a small fire in a trash can for warmth and was sitting in a plain white
V-cut T-shirt and a pair of dark jeans.
I got up and gave him his hoodie.
" Thanks" was all I said.
I went back to my patch of grass and sat down. I had a breakfast of Oreos and a juice box.
The take out food in my bag was starting to look uninviting so I dumped it out of my bag and decided I can survive with Oreos, doughnuts and juice boxes.

" Only four hours of walking left and we'll be at the stadium." Was the only thing he said all morning.

I nodded and felt excitement rush through me.

I'm going to save the world, I thought.

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