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I  decide to take a break from studying physics and go stand in the balcony for a bit, I could see teenage girls scattered all over the street after the end of a normal school day.
Traffic jam, noise, the smoke rising in the air from some messed up car that needs fixing and wow this wasn't my idea of a soothing break.

I get back inside my room and continue studying for my test but I close the book abruptly and throw it on the bed then I groan, this is just too frustrating and my head feels like it's going to explode

Lately, I've been having a lot of nightmares...mostly about my family getting killed or me getting stabbed multiple times by some crazy dudes that I've never seen in my life and then the whole building I live in gets bombed....charming.

All I want is just a house on top of a cliff in the middle of the ocean with a hammock, a private pool and Jarvis, iron man style. Oh yeah, and a HUGE library.

A faint knock on my room's door grabs my attention so I get up to open the door.
Lately, I've been locking my door every time I entered my room, it's not like I'm doing anything wrong but I just liked the privacy.

When I opened the door I saw my older brother standing there with a big grin on his face.

" Who wants to go to the movies?!" Said Luke while showing me his new car keys.
" ME!" I scream out loud. Seriously the only thing that would make me feel better after too much studying would be the cinema, right after food.

" Okay, get out get out" I say as I practically shove him out of my room to change my clothes.
He raises his hands up in surrender and goes out of the room with a big smile on his face.

I change into light blue jeans and a grey t shirt with batman's logo on it and I wear my high top black converse.
As I walk out of my room I realise my other brother, Noah , is coming with us.
The three of us take the elevator and when we reach our building's parking lot I run towards the car and shout " I call shotgun!!" Noah tries to run to take the seat but I beat him to it then I smirk in victory. He just rolls his eyes.

I turn on the radio and I freak out when I hear Ed Sheeran's " Sing" playing.

I start singing along to the music and Luke joins in, we do in fact have a mutual love for Ed Sheeran.
I glance at Noah in the back seat and see him cross his arms against his chest and groan with annoyance like a 5 year old so I laugh in his face cause I know how terrible our voices must sound and continue singing with Luke.
We pull up in front of the cinema and I start chanting " Movie night! Movie night!" And then I stop once I get out of the car cause really I don't want people to think I'm cuckoo in the head.
We reach the ticket booth and Luke talks to the dude sitting inside the booth.
" Three please"
He pays for the tickets and when he turns to face Noah and I, " Popcorn" is all I say while smiling widely.

" Popcorn it is!" Replies Luke.

" No ,no,no! Superman wouldn't win a battle against batman cause batman is smarter, a  billionaire and he practically knows all about science, he has an awesome car and an epic jet!" I say with my popcorn filled mouth.
" Yeah, but, superman is flipping stronger he came from another planet and can see through walls and oh, did you forget, he can fly!" Says Noah with a smirk on his face.
" Yeah, right, one shard of kryptonite and he loses all his powers but batman on the other hand, is flipping awesome, suit or no suit he's been trained in all sorts of martial arts and could kick any villain's butt!"
My brother groaned with annoyance as I had obviously won the argument.
" Hey Noah, do you like sea food?" I say, internally laughing.
"Wha - " is all he could say before I open my mouth and show him the contents of it... Chewed up popcorn.
" Gross!!!! Alice do you always have to do that every time you eat?!"
" Well, yeah I have to cause seriously the look on your face is priceless" I say as I laugh my butt off.
Luke laughs at us.
We take our seats and wait for the movie to start. The normal adverts play and then I see a guy in front of me throw some popcorn at the screen and say "Just play the movie already!" And then a couple "yeahs" are said and to my surprise, they skip the adverts...everybody cheers at that. Oooookaaayyyy, this is the most responsive audience I've ever seen in a movie theatre.
The movie starts and I can feel the tension and anticipation of the surrounding audience.
Blood everywhere and the villain falling to the ground in slow motion with epic music in the background.
Ten minutes into the movie the screen turns black and the movie is cut off, groans and complaint can be heard.
Then the screen starts showing vibrant colours of fuchsia and orange gradually turning into yellow then green with moving shapes and patterns of all sizes and then it turns to blue then purple then the cycle is repeated. I look around me and see that everyone is staring at the screen with vacant expressions, I wave my hand in front of Noah's face and he doesn't even blink. " Noah" I whisper.
No reply.
I call his name again a little louder this time but he doesn't reply.
" Luke!" I whisper-shout but his eyes are glued to the screen and it's like he's suddenly deaf.
I stand up and look at everyone.
" HEY!" I shout but it's like I'm invisible to them.
I try waving my hands around and jumping up and down but it's no use.
Suddenly they all speak in unison in a robotic manner.

" Yes, my Lord, we shall serve you for eternity"

Even my brothers were saying it. 

Oh god, I gotta get out of here.

Hi, guys well, you've just finished the first chapter of my story hoorah!! But look I promise you this story will get better as you go on reading. It's not too long so please please just give it a chance.

<3 M

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